Friday, July 17, 2015


My Dear All:

Please pray for Joshua a young man who will be undergoing major surgery today at 3pm. 
He is from India and works in NJ/CT. He is very active in churches and is a gifted worship leader with his singing and guitar playing.

Thank you in advance.

In His Love,
Ebenezer Mallepalle

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

All I can do is pray that this man No.2 - Another COURT REUNION


Friday, July 3, 2015

All I can do is pray that this man and others who watch the videos will change

Please watch both videos (in same article)

Monday, May 25, 2015

PLEASE PRAY FOR CUBA - Cuba lifts Ban on Bibles(Temporary)

Lifted Bible ban has effort booking it to Cuba
Take Cuba, for instance. This Communist nation has barred Bible distribution openly since 1969, until recently. The Bible, long considered to be the best-selling book of all time, has estimated annual sales of 100 million copies. It has had a major influence on literature and history, and yet there are some places where it still has been circulated little, if any.
The country is conducting an experimental program that can be halted at any time if the distribution creates too many problems or too much negative feedback, said David Isais, who works with the Bible Commission of Cuba and is the contact person for the Revival Fires Ministry in Branson West and formerly in Joplin. Revival Fires has completed four deliveries of more than 265,000 Bibles to Cuba and continues to seek donations to meet the request for 1 million.
Cecil Todd, founder and president of Revival Fires, is no stranger to providing Bibles to the far reaches of the world. Todd, an Ozark Christian College graduate, oversaw the distribution of over 2 million Bibles to the former Soviet Union and more than 250,000 to American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
In more recent times, Revival Fires provided 6,000 Bibles to men and women on two U.S. aircraft carriers supporting airstrikes in Syria off the coast of Iraq and 3,000 more to the 101st Airborne Division deployed to Africa to help contain Ebola.
Todd was recently honored for the Revival Fires Bible donations to the military in a ceremony at the Pentagon.
The Bible Commission of Cuba, which has served as a liaison between the government and churches in Cuba for more than six decades, is seeking Bibles not only for churches but also for schools, prisons and libraries.
Todd said the Cuban willingness to allow such Bible circulation boggles his mind. He said that prior to the change in policy, his youngest son, Cecil Wayne, was almost arrested on all 10 of his mission trips to Cuba, during which Bibles had to be smuggled to the longtime Communist nation.
Todd said he has learned that more than 1,200 Cuban churches are urgently seeking Bibles. Some churches have only one or two Bibles for their entire congregations, and many Cuban preachers have had to borrow a Bible to study and preach.
Donated Bibles are printed by the American Bible Society and sent to Cuba by ships. The cost is $5.40 to print, ship and distribute across Cuba. 
Want to help?

Checks for tax deductible donations to Revival Fires’ Bibles to Cuba program should be designated “Bibles for Cuba” and mailed to Revival Fires Ministry, P.O. Box 1008, Branson West, MO 65737. Credit card donations may be arranged by calling 417-272-3660. Bibles cost $5.40 each to print and deliver to Cuba.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Memorial Day - Monday, May 25

Please pray for the families of the brave men and women who gave up their lives for our safety.
God Bless them.

Also, here is a photo that touched my heart. A young father saying good bye to his newborn baby girl before his deployment.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


My Dear All:

The Museum of Biblical Art (MOBIA) is a free museum of art and the Bible in New York City. It is closing on June 14, 2015. If you get a chance, please go visit MOBIA.


Verse and Prayer for 2015 National Day of Prayer

Dr. Jack Graham, pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church in North Texas, will lead our country in prayer as Honorary Chairman for the 2015 National Day of Prayer.
“The Lord has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all.” (Psalm 103:19) is the verse of the day and here is the prayer for today:

Heavenly Father,
We come to You in the Name that is above every name—Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Our hearts cry out to You. Knowing that You are a prayer-answering, faithful God—the One we trust in times like these—we ask that You renew our spirits, revive our churches, and heal our land.

We repent of our sins and ask for Your grace and power to save us. Hear our cry, oh God, and pour out Your Spirit upon us that we may walk in obedience to Your Word. We are desperate for Your tender mercies. We are broken and humbled before You.

Forgive us, and in the power of Your great love, lift us up to live in Your righteousness.

We pray for our beloved nation. May we repent and return to You and be a light to the nations. And we pray for our leaders and ask that You give them wisdom and faith to follow You. Preserve and protect us, for You are our refuge and only hope. Deliver us from all fears except to fear You, and may we courageously stand in the Truth that sets us free.

We pray with expectant faith and grateful hearts.

In Jesus' name, our Savior. Amen.

Historical Summary
1775 – The second Continental Congress calls for a National Day of Prayer and Fasting.
1863 – Abraham Lincoln calls for a National Day of Prayer.
1952 – Harry S. Truman declares a National Day of Prayer and signs into law an annual observance there of – United States Congress passed Joint Resolution 382 on April 17, 1952/ President Truman signs Public Law 82-324 (Public Law 82-324; 66 Stat. 64—April 17, 1952).
1988 – Ronald Reagan signs into law the designation of the first Thursday in May as the annual observance for the National Day of Prayer  – President Reagan signs Public Law 100-307 January 25, 1988, in the Second Session of the One Hundredth Congress (Public Law 100-307—May 5, 1988).
1998 – Pub. L. 105-225, August 12, 1998, 112 Stat. 1258: The President shall issue each year a proclamation designating the first Thursday in May as a National Day of Prayer on which the people of the United States may turn to God in prayer and meditation at churches, in groups, and as individuals. This law was signed by President Clinton.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


The rod and reproof give wisdom,
    but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother. 

Discipline your son, and he will give you rest;
    he will give delight to your heart. 
Proverbs 29:15 & 17

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

Many might not agree with me coming to this mother from Baltimore, yet .......

What do you think? 

Saturday, April 4, 2015


(Dear brother and sister in Christ; this my last post for Lent. Thank you for all your prayers, encouragement, emails, suggestions and support. God Bless.
Beginning next week I will be posting once or twice a week.)

1 Corinthians 15:51- 57

A father and his young son were driving down a country road one sunny afternoon when suddenly a bee flew in the car window. Being deathly allergic to bee stings, the boy began to panic as the bee buzzed all around inside the car. Seeing the horror on his child’s face, the father reached out and caught the bee in his hand. Soon, he slowly opened his hand and the bee began to buzz around once again. Again, the boy began to panic. The father reached over to his son, and showed him his hand with the stinger stuck in his palm. “Relax, son,” the father said, “I took the sting, and the bee can’t hurt you anymore.”

Dear brother and sister in Christ; through Jesus’ empty tomb is God is comforting you “Relax, my child, I took the sting, death can’t hurt you anymore.” Because of Jesus, you and I don’t have to fear death. Why fear when we have the promise that one day we will live forever with Him in Heaven?

So let’s thank God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (I Corinthians 15:57)

Giver of life, I thank you for giving me, through Jesus’ resurrection, the hope that one day I will be with you forever. Giver of life, have mercy on me and shower me with your grace so that I can teach others about Jesus. In His name. Amen.