Thursday, March 3, 2016

‘Leap of Faith’ - Day 20

As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth, and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he rose and followed him. Matthew 9:9

Recently I was reading about the African impala, the midsized antelope. The adult impalas are not big animals – their height ranges from 30 to 36 inches. So most of them are less than 3 feet. For an animal of such small height, the impala has astonishing jumping abilities. In fact, a jumping impala is a beautiful animal to watch. In one leap, the impala jump 10 feet in height and clear 30 feet in distance.  But there is an interesting trait coming to the impala - it only jumps/leaps when it can see where its feet will land. That is the reason, in zoos, we find the impala kept behind a solid three-foot wall.

Well friends, the impala’s behavior might seem strange, but what about you and I - what do we do when Jesus comes to us and asks us leave our lives of sin and also leave the world behind? Are we ready to take the ‘leap of faith’ leaving our comforts and following him? Are we ready to sacrifice the world to follow him? Or do we compromise thinking that we need both the world and Jesus? Remember all Jesus asks is “Follow Me”. Please think about this.  

Abba, Father when you call me, please give me the strength, courage and mindset to leave the world and to follow and obey you. In your Son’s name I ask. Amen.

PS: Here is an article about two songwriters who did not want compromise –

Comfort Zones Day 19

To sell their fish, every day a group of fisherwomen would travel from their homes near the seashore to the city market. The men in their families would be busy with fishing and the women were the fishmongers. Since it was somewhat of a distance from the shore to the market, the women travelled only during daytime and as a group, carrying heavy baskets full of fish.

One-day business was slow and the women finished selling all of their fish only after it became dark. They did not want to go walk back home in the dark and while they were discussing the issue among themselves, another vendor heard their discussion and offered the back porch of her nearby house for them to sleep that night.

The women were glad that they found a safe place to spend the night.  They lay down to sleep but soon realized they could not, because of the strong aroma coming from inside the house – the house owners were flower merchants and they stored their entire inventory in the house. The fisherwomen who were comfortable with the smell of the sea, the shore and the fish, found the smell of all the flowers unbearable. So the women took their fish baskets, which were now dry, and they liberally sprinkled some water on them to release the familiar and comfortable smell. The women put the baskets next to their heads and they soon fell asleep.

Dear Friend, the fisherwomen had their comfort zone and you and I have our own comfort zones. We like our comfort zones – now others may find them unusual, but they are ours.

Sometimes our comfort zone can be a sin that is offensive to God – and Jesus comes into our lives and asks us to leave our comfort zones and sins.  And then we might ‘say’ (not pray) the sinners prayer, ‘say’ words of repentance, etc., but are we truly willing to let go of the sin that gives us comfort?  Is that what Jesus wants of His followers?

So dear brother and sister in Christ, let’s examine our lives and see if there is any “sin that so easily entangles” us (Hebrews 12:1) and ask our God to help us “run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” (Hebrews 12:1-2)

Blessed Jesus, hold my hand and teach me the sin that darkens my eyes and entangles my feet. Help me to get rid of that sin and lead me to a higher place. Amen.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Who will tell/teach us our sins? Day 18


“…I would not have known what sin was had it not been for the law.” Romans 7:7

The story is told of one of Rev. Billy Graham’s interviews. Since the interview was at their home, Ruth Graham, Billy’s wife spent days cleaning the house. She cleaned everywhere and liked her work because the house looked perfect -in fact it looked spotless. However, when the television crew set up and turned on the bright lights, Ruth was horrified to see cobwebs and dust, which were not visible under ordinary light.

Dear friends, most of the people on earth, including Christians, think that they are good people. In addition, their family, friends, co-workers, neighbors etc. tell them that they are indeed good people.

When we read chapters 11 and 12 of II Samuel, we learn that King David did not consider himself a sinner until the Prophet Nathan showed him his sin. Now David had Nathan, but who will tell/teach us our sins? The truth is, while pastors, teachers, friends, family members may point out our sins, it is God the Holy Spirit who speaks to us and convicts us of our sins when read His Word. So regular scripture reading/study shines God’s bright light into our hearts and minds and shows us our true condition and nature.

Open my eyes Lord to my wretched condition of sinning and fooling/convincing myself that I do not sin. I thank you because you are the God who shows me my sin – and you also save me from my sins.  In Jesus name I thank and pray. Amen.