Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Who will tell/teach us our sins? Day 18


“…I would not have known what sin was had it not been for the law.” Romans 7:7

The story is told of one of Rev. Billy Graham’s interviews. Since the interview was at their home, Ruth Graham, Billy’s wife spent days cleaning the house. She cleaned everywhere and liked her work because the house looked perfect -in fact it looked spotless. However, when the television crew set up and turned on the bright lights, Ruth was horrified to see cobwebs and dust, which were not visible under ordinary light.

Dear friends, most of the people on earth, including Christians, think that they are good people. In addition, their family, friends, co-workers, neighbors etc. tell them that they are indeed good people.

When we read chapters 11 and 12 of II Samuel, we learn that King David did not consider himself a sinner until the Prophet Nathan showed him his sin. Now David had Nathan, but who will tell/teach us our sins? The truth is, while pastors, teachers, friends, family members may point out our sins, it is God the Holy Spirit who speaks to us and convicts us of our sins when read His Word. So regular scripture reading/study shines God’s bright light into our hearts and minds and shows us our true condition and nature.

Open my eyes Lord to my wretched condition of sinning and fooling/convincing myself that I do not sin. I thank you because you are the God who shows me my sin – and you also save me from my sins.  In Jesus name I thank and pray. Amen.

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