Friday, April 5, 2019

DAY 26 – For those who wait…

Please read John 16:16-20

One snowy morning at 5:00 a.m., an applicant for the position of overseas missionary rang the bell at a missionary leader’s home. He was welcomed by the missionary leader’s wife and was seated in the living room. He waited 3 hours and exactly 8 am the missionary leader, a retired missionary, came into the room, did not greet him but asked, “ Are you a good speller?”
The applicant, somewhat puzzled by the question, replied, “Yes Sir I am.”  
 Leader –“How do you spell three”
Applicant – “T-H-R-E-E.”
Leader - “ Good! Are you good with numbers?”
Applicant –“Yes sir.”
Leader – “Okay what is two plus two?”
Applicant- “Four.”
 The leader then said, “You did great in the interview. I will recommend to the missionary board to hire you.”  The perplexed yet thankful applicant left the house after thanking the interviewer.

Later that day the Leader went to the missionary board with this report, “He will make an excellent missionary in any foreign country – he has all the qualifications. First, he came for the interview at 5 on a snowy morning that shows self-denial. He was on time on a cold snowy morning. Second, he is very patient- he waited three hours without complaining.  Third, he has the right temperament – he was not offended that I asked him questions that are normally asked of a 6-year-old –he did not show annoyance or irritation. Ladies and Gentleman, you have your missionary.” 

In our text for today Jesus tells the Apostles He will see (them) again, and (their) hearts will rejoice, and no one will take (their)  joy from them.” They did rejoice after his resurrection, but some still had doubts (Matthew 28:16-17; Mark 16:14). It was at Pentecost, when they were filled with God the Holy Spirit and then the Apostles really changed.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, you and I are in a much better position than that of the Apostles. Apostles did not know God the Holy Spirit until Pentecost. We are blessed, God gave us his Spirit to dwell in us and to be with us and guide us at the feet of Jesus.  And that coupled with the hope of everlasting joy of being with Jesus and no one will take our joy from us. So lets' wait on Jesus and His promises.

Dear Jesus, I am already rich because you gave me Your Spirit. Help me to continue the walk of faith of Hope of the Joy of being with you forever.

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