Friday, February 20, 2015

DAY 3 Adam’s Sin

Scripture: Genesis 3:1-13

When you read Genesis 3(Fall of Man) have you ever wondered, “What was Adam’s Sin?” Before responding let’s examine ourselves first, comparing our actions to those of Adam’s.

We say we are not sinners because we are not adulterers. Coming to Adam, he was not an adulterer. Since only Eve was around, Adam could not even look at another woman with lustful intent”(Matthew 5:28). Some of us say we are content with what we have – we don’t steal anything, other than a few office supplies- so we are not sinners.  Since Adam had dominion over everything on earth he could not steal anything. So Adam’s sin was not stealing. Some of us say we did not murder or we did not have abortions, therefore we are not sinners.  Adam was neither an abortionist nor a murderer.

So what was Adam’s sin? People say he disobeyed God. Let’s consider that answer for a moment -but what about us? How would you and I answer if asked whether we obey God all the time?   Christ commands us in Matthew 28:19 to go and make disciples of all nations – we don’t.  Ephesians 2:10 teaches we are created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Do we do everything that God prepared in advance for us to do? The tithe is not ours - it belongs to God. Christ tells us "Give … to God what is God's."(Matthew 22:21) Do we always give God what belongs to him?     

We could go on and on comparing/justifying but the result will be the same. Every measuring stick we use to justify our own behavior will show that Adam did not commit any of the sins that we proudly say we did not commit. Then why do we call Adam a sinner and not recognize our own actions as sin?  

Now men joke that Adam’s sin was listening to his wife.  However the truth is Adam, the first man, wanted to be “be like God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5). Men also object stating Adam was not with Eve when Satan tempted Eve. Scripture, however, teaches her husband … was with her” (Genesis 3:5).

By the way, who did Adam blame for his sin? When we read Genesis 3:12 we see that Adam did not blame Eve. Adam actually blamed God when he said, ““The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate.”

So first Adam wanted to BE LIKE God and then BLAMED God for his sin.

Coming to us let’s examine our lives, confess our sins, repent and thank our God who, in His grace and love, sent his son for our sins and our salvation. 

Teach me, O Lord to recognize my sins. In your kindness lead me to repentance (Romans 2:4). Thank you for redeeming me through Jesus the Christ. In His name I ask. Amen!

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