Thursday, February 26, 2015


MATTHEW 15:1-9                “You hypocrites! …” Matthew 15:7.   

What is the meaning of the word Hypocrite? Just like many English words ‘hypocrite’, a theatrical term, has Greek origins. In a Greek play, an actor often played multiple roles using different masks. For example, he might come from one side of the stage wearing a smiling mask and do or say something funny to make people laugh. Later he would enter from the other side wearing a serious or sad mask and deliver serious or sad lines. So the actor was called a "hypocrite", someone with two or more “masks” or "faces." Over the years this Greek word took on negative connotations and eventually it has come to mean "two-faced" i.e., someone whose actions do not back up his words.

Now Jesus many times calls the Pharisees hypocrites. But that was 2000 years ago. Coming to you, I ask you, do you show hypocrisy in your walk with Jesus? If Jesus came right now would He call you a hypocrite? Now you might say ‘Ebenezer who are you to ask?”  But we have ask ourselves
                1)  What mask or face do I show God in my actions?
                2)  What mask or face do I show my neighbor in my actions?

Coming to God, we think we can fool God wearing masks just like King Saul(1 Samuel 28) or Ananias and Sapphira(Acts 5:1-11). But our God, who searches the heart and tests the minds (Jeremiah 17:10), knows who we truly are. Our masks don’t work with God. 

Coming to our neighbors, let me begin with the following story –
A psychologist researched how people behaved in different places. For the research he did not interview adults. He interviewed children as to the places where their parents’ behavior differed compared to their behavior at home.  And the top three answers are - first, people put on airs or wear masks when they are in the lobby of a fancy hotel or in a fancy restaurant. Second, they wear masks when dealing with salespeople especially when buying cars. Guess the third place - where the children said their parents do not act as themselves? The church.  

So ask yourself – ‘am I hiding behind masks when dealing with my neighbor?’ Do you wear a mask in and outside church? What masks keeps you away from Jesus and from deep fellowship with others? Above all, is your mask hindering others, especially your own family, from coming closer to Jesus? Please reflect about it. Also, do you hide behind the mask of religion or do you have the right relationship with God through Jesus?

The good news is we are not perfect people but our Jesus is perfect.  We are all sinners saved by grace, but remember Christ did say in Matthew 5:48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect” - especially when you are a representative of Christ.

Dear God! Help me always to come to your presence with a broken, contrite and repentant heart that is acceptable to you. In Jesus’ name I ask. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Pastor Ben, for a new insight into the meaning of "hypocrite."
