Thursday, May 11, 2017

JESUS’ HARD SAYINGS – No Bragging or Boasting No.1

Please read Matthew 5:13, Mark 9:50, and Luke 14:34-35

I don’t remember the name of the commencement speaker.  In fact, I don’t even remember the name of the college. All I remember is watching a video, where the speaker stands up and tells the graduating class ‘ you are the greatest, sharpest, smartest, brainiest, etc. etc. graduates ever in the history of the college, city, state and country’ and he goes on like this for a few minutes and of course, embarrassed giggles and laughter erupt. Then comes the challenge  ‘Now just go out there in the world and prove it.’ The response – first silence then cheers.   

In Matthew 5:13, Jesus is (also) teaching and challenging his disciples - and that includes us - calling them salt of the earth”. But the problem is, many read this verse and think (1) Jesus’ teaching is only for the disciples of Jesus’ time and (2) He is praising the disciples.

Coming to salt, the truth is – when we add and mix salt to any dish it becomes salted/ flavored, but you and I cannot see, smell, or touch* the salt in the dish.  It is there in the salted/flavored dish and we can taste the flavor.

That’s how Jesus wants us to function in this world and spread the Kingdom of God. He wants us to be active in the world, blending and providing gospel-seasoning and kingdom-seasoning words and deeds. When we salt the world around us with our good deeds** others will thirst for Jesus. Remember, He has given us His Spirit to help us share the good news and do good deeds (more later).

Now Jesus also says some harsh words coming flavorless salt (my words). A true disciple recognizes that God the Holy Spirit enables (1 Corinthians 2:13) him/her to be salt to others, quietly flavoring them and making them thirst for Jesus. On the other hand, a false disciple will go to others, trying to spread flavor of his own words and deeds for self-glory and boasting. In the end, they learn their fate as they futilely try to remind Jesus of their own works (Matthew 7:22-23, Luke 14:35).

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, with His blood, His Gospel, and His Spirit, Jesus has made us salt. Now He wants us to flavor the world with his Gospel for the sake of the Kingdom of God.  So let’s get to work with no boasting or bragging (Luke 10: 17, 20).

Dear God thank you for flavoring me with Jesus. Equip me to share His name, the name above all names, with others. In His name. Amen.

* Not salt on French fries or rock salt added late in cooking.

** Our good works do not save us (Ephesians 2:8-9).

1 comment:

  1. Definitely fits the category. The hard sayings of Jesus.
