Thursday, May 4, 2017

JESUS’ HARD SAYINGS – ‘Rejoice and be glad’ in suffering

Please read Matthew 5:1-12

Apostle Matthew, in chapter 5, writes that Jesus’ teaching- i.e., the Sermon on the Mount- are for His disciples (Matthew 5:1-2). (In the NKJV verses 1 & 2 go “… when He was seated His disciples came to Him. Then He opened His mouth and taught them”.) Then in verses 3 to 10, He speaks in a general way - ex. those who- and now in verses 11 and 12 he uses the word youteaching His disciples. The disciples will be subject to insults, persecution and evil uttered against them because they are following Jesus. This is a continuation of what the Israelites had done to God’s servants (Matthew 23:29-31) during the Old Testament times. Jesus is preparing His disciples for the coming persecution, and he gives them comfort and hope that their reward is waiting for them, i.e., not on earth but in heaven.

And then Jesus says Rejoice and be glad”(V.12) – he is saying you and I, as His disciples, should not only expect insults, evil words, and persecution but also accept such treatment from the world. As you know, Jesus’ values are in contrast to those of this world. Yet, Jesus teachings here are hard to accept and His expectations seem too much. While other religions promise freedom, happiness, independence, self-reliance and self-actualization, Jesus wants us to depend on him (John 15:5), serve Him (John 12:26), learn, act and serve humbly (Matthew 20:27-28; James 4:10; John 13:12-17) and surrender completely (Matthew 16:24-25). And after all of that, he tells us that we are to expect nothing on this earth (Luke 17:7-10).

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, many - including many Christians - adopt worldly standards and desire popularity. On the other hand, Jesus teaches us to humbly set ourselves apart from the same world and its standards.  This is hard to accept but in our walk of faith, He will provide us the necessary strength and guidance.

Dear Jesus, while the world entices me with its glitz and grandeur, help me to understand and walk in your ways, because You have the words of eternal life. I thank you for the rich and true reward you have for me in heaven. Amen.

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