Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Jesus in the Old Testament – Introduction

Bill O’Reilly, the former Fox News television host, has stated that ‘the Old Testament stories are made-up fiction’ and ‘a lot of the Bible is allegorical’. I have a friend who, while confessing he is born-again, believes that the Old Testament is a bunch of fables. Also, quite a few Christians have told me that, other than a few psalms, they have never read the Old Testament.

But the truth is, the word of God, the entire Bible, is Christocentric. What does Christocentric mean? It means Christ is the center and is at the center of the entire Bible, both Old Testament and New. In order to understand and appreciate every book of the Bible, you and I have to read each book with a Christocentric approach.  For those of you who find this implausible, I present Jesus’ own words from John 5:39 and Luke 24:25-27.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, this post is a rather brief introduction to the topic I have chosen- Jesus in the Old Testament - from next Tuesday onwards. Please pray that God will make me faithful in my endeavor. God Bless us all.

Dear Jesus, my Lord and my God open my eyes and teach me to see and appreciate you in every Bible verse, paragraph, chapter and book. Amen.

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