Thursday, May 18, 2017

JESUS’ HARD SAYINGS – No Bragging or Boasting (No. 2) and No glory!

Please read Matthew 5:14-16, 1 Peter 4:11

In my previous post, I wrote how Jesus challenges (Matthew 5:13) us, His disciples. In today’s Matthew text, once again we see that Jesus is challenging us – He wants you and me to be the light of the world.

As you know, there are many floundering in this world’s darkness and they need Jesus, the light of the world (John 8:12). And He is asking us to be light - His light – light that guides others to Jesus and light that illuminates the way of Jesus in their lives. While Jesus calls us “ the light of the world”, we should never forget that He is the true light. Just as the sun is the source of light for the moon, Jesus is our source to produce/shine light. It is not going be easy, it is a hard task especially  in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation” yet His disciples are to do this without  “grumbling or disputing” (Philippians 2:14-16) because of their relationship with God that Jesus earned for them on the cross.

So Jesus challenges us to the hard task and then He tells us not to expect any praise or honor. He makes this very clear in Matthew 5:16. To the world and its followers, it does not make any sense. But to His true disciples, who have the inward Christian growth and renewal of the mind (Romans 12:2), it is wisdom from God. John the Baptist also teaches the same(John 3:30).

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Jesus tells us to be light and do good expecting and claiming no praise or honor. While that sounds harsh, always remember our future glory in Him especially when we turn many to righteousness” with our light and good deeds (Daniel 12:3, Romans 8:17).

Dear Father in Heaven, be with me and guide me with your Spirit as I work in your kingdom according to your plan (Ephesians 2:10). Help me to reflect your light, with my eyes set on my eternal and glorious future with you. In Jesus name I thank and pray. Amen.

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