Thursday, May 18, 2017

Just an illustration

(This was to be part of today’s ‘Hard Sayings’ post, but after some thought, I decided on a separate post)

These days I don’t have the time to follow baseball. I do watch a few games- mostly playoff games. In fact, I read more about the game than watching it as learn about some of the greats and characters that played the game.

Max Lucado writes about a player in his study bible -  “For an extraordinary pitcher he performed few extraordinary feats. Though a veteran of 21 seasons, in only one did he win more than 20 games. He never pitched a no-hitter and only once did he lead the league in any category (2.21 ERA, 1980). Yet on June 21, 1986, this pitcher rubbed pitching elbows with the true legends of baseball by becoming the 13th pitcher to win 300 Games. His analysis of his success is worth noting. "A grinder and a mechanic" is what he calls himself. "I never considered myself flamboyant or exceptional. But all my life I’ve found a way to get the job done." And get it done he did. Through two decades, six presidential terms, and four trades, he consistently did what pitchers are supposed to do: win games. With tunnel vision devotion, he spent 21 seasons redefining greatness. He has been called the "family sedan" of baseball’s men on the mound. His name is Don Sutton.”

Lucado continues, “God didn’t call you to be a Ferrari, a Porsche, or a Mercedes. He didn’t call you to be a Formula 1 racecar. He called you to be a family sedan” - safe, reliable, and steady. He called you to be faithful; to start when He turns the key; to just get the job done today day in His kingdom. He called you to be faithful!”

God, equip me to be faithful. Amen.

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