Saturday, April 15, 2017

Because of Jesus you ……… Day 40

Please read Luke 7:18-22

Today, on this last day of Lent, we will focus on one verse in the text (Luke 7:22).

In Luke 7:18, the healing of the sick, the raising of the dead and other miracles are reported to the imprisoned John the Baptist. Then John asks Jesus a question (Luke 7:19), through his disciples,  “Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?”

Let’s look at Jesus’s answer (Luke 7:22). First, it looks as if Jesus is sending a report of the different type of miracles – healing the blind, the lame, the lepers, and the deaf, the raising of the dead- and the gospel being preached, but Jesus makes a profound statement.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, as you know, you and I are sinners and we deserve the just wrath and judgment of God (Romans 2:5). Also, our good works (Isaiah 64:6) do not save us (Ephesians 2:8-9). So Jesus came to save us sinners and he suffered and died on the cross for your sins and my sin, and rose on the third day for your salvation and mine. Because of Jesus, you and I, who are blind will see God; who are lame, i.e. can’t come to God, will stand in God’s presence; who are unclean like lepers are cleansed by Jesus’ blood; who are spiritually deaf hear the good news; and you and I will be raised because Jesus’ life and sacrifice. So let’s rejoice.

Dear Jesus, thank you for taking care of all my temporal and eternal needs. Amen.

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