Friday, April 7, 2017

Hello! Jesus is looking for you! DAY 33

Please read Luke 19:1-10

In post no. 31, we approached verse 5 from the viewpoint that God knows our name. In post no. 32, I stated that Zacchaeus is trying to get a get a glimpse of Jesus. However, when we go back and carefully read verse 5, we see that although Zacchaeus is trying to see this ‘rabbi’, it is Jesus who, in fact, is looking for him. 

Now this might appear strange to some, but I believe and I teach that God is the one who is always looking for you and me because he loves and cares for our souls. Zacchaeus’ story is not the only occasion in the Bible where God comes looking for a man or a woman. Beginning with Genesis 3:9, God has been looking and calling out man. In John 9, after blessing the man born blind with physical sight, Jesus is the one seeking (John 9:35) the man to bless him with spiritual sight.  We also read how Jesus goes to the well at an odd time and waits for the Samaritan woman (John 4:6).

Whenever I teach and preach that it is God who seeks and saves (Luke 19:10) man, some do not agree with my words. They believe that they are ones who seek, find and choose God. I explain and ask them this question– man looks for a God who rewards man’s efforts/deeds, but which man searches for the one True God, who Himself graciously gifts man what he truly needs? (Please ponder Romans 3:10-11)  A man by himself does not know of this gift (John 4:10). That is why Jesus makes the first move and comes to the spiritually dead and the lost. And that is the good news.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Jesus is the one who did everything we need for our salvation on the His cross, and all we need to do is receive Him and His gift in faith (Ephesians 2:8-9; John 1:12). We are His lost sheep and He comes to take us back to the safety of His sheepfold (Matthew 18:12-14).

Dear God, I thank you for seeking me and saving me from my sinful condition and my foolish thinking that my good works save me. And I thank you for Jesus. Amen.


  1. Praise God, good points Brother

  2. We so wanna be in charge & with our gift of free will, it looks like we can. The wise ones realize it is only by co-operating with God that any good thing is done. Hallelujah!
