Saturday, April 1, 2017

With Jesus, no more Lonely Days, Lonely Nights Day 28

Please read Psalm 56:12-13.

Notice the title of yesterday’s post? It goes I'll send an SOS to the world, I hope that someone gets my Tears in a bottle’.  I got the words from the refrain of Sting’s song, “Message in a Bottle”, except I substituted ‘tears’ for ‘message’.

Since the late 70s, I have been an admirer of the music of Sting and The Police. I like the song and the video (link - pardon me, it’s temporal). The song is considered one of greatest guitar songs of all time.  

In the song, Sting writes about feeling like a castaway on an Island. Lonely and unloved, he sends a message in a bottle seeking companionship and love but there is no immediate response. A year later he sees hundred billion bottles washed up on the shore’ and realizes that there are many others lonely like him. Elsewhere, Sting writes, “I like the idea that while it's about loneliness and alienation it's also about finding solace and other people going through the same thing.

While the crowded world tries to dump loneliness on us,  you and I should not feel lonely. Jesus, our God, our Immanuel is with us. His Spirit resides in us. We are not lonely as long as we depend on God and fellowship with Him and fellow believers.

More than one person has approached me and talked about being lonely in the church because they believe they themselves are unapproachable. I encourage them to approach other believers, get active in the church and spend time with Jesus and He will take of everything. How do I know this approach works? Twenty years ago, I used to believe I was unapproachable and felt lonely everywhere and all the time. Then Jesus comes into my life with his Gospel and my life changed.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, even in this web-connected age people are lonely. Also, I understand that some of the most famous, admired and successful people feel lonely even among company.  The world is not going to help them. They need Jesus. You and I should tell them about Jesus and his Gospel. So let’s look at Jesus and live an active and blessed life, as David tells us, walking before God in the light of life.”(v. 13) remembering that we are the salt and light that Jesus gave to the world for the glory of His Father.

Abide in me O God and help me to shine your light for your Glory. Amen.

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