Thursday, April 6, 2017

I want to see Jesus! DAY 32(Video)

Please read Luke 19:1-10

In today’s text, we see that Jesus enters Jericho on his way to Jerusalem (Luke 18:31). Jericho is a city that is 846 feet below sea level in the Jordan Valley. Jerusalem, on the other hand, is 2,492 feet above sea level. I find it interesting that the Zacchaeus incident took place in Jericho.

Jesus is now in the lowest city in the region and He initiates an encounter with a man, who is considered the lowest of the low in Israel. Zacchaeus is short physically and has a low standing in his city. Being a chief tax collector, he is very rich. However, his fellow countrymen despise him because of his profession. (In Matthew 9:11, Pharisees complain that Jesus is eating with tax collectors.)

Why this hatred towards tax collectors? The land, where Jesus lives and ministers, is under Roman rule. To collect taxes, the Romans pass the duties to the highest bidder and that bidder is appointed the tax collector. Whatever he collects above his bid is income for the tax collector. The more he collects, the more he can keep. So the tax collector is greedy, inconsiderate, merciless, and abusive to all, even to fellow Jews.  So Jews consider him a Benedict Arnold.

In Luke 19:2-4, we see Zacchaeus searching for Jesus. He has heard of Jesus’ miracles and reputation. He also has heard about former fellow tax collector Levi, now one of Jesus’ apostles, and how Levi left his tax booth and followed Rabbi Jesus (Luke 5:27-28). He also knows Jesus ‘reputation’ of mingling with tax collectors. So he wants to see who this Rabbi is- (1) who spends time with the despised and the lowly, and (2) who himself asks a tax collector to follow Him. Maybe Zacchaeus wants to meet Jesus but he fears the wrath of fellow Jews. Maybe he chose the heights of the tree to scan, see and locate other tax collectors or sinners moving toward Jesus – to join them. Whatever his intentions, Zacchaeus is trying his best, and is resourceful considering his height and standing to catch a glimpse of this Rabbi. 

Why is Zacchaeus behaving this way? He has all the money he wants but feels lonely. There is a void in his life, something common in rich and famous peoples’ lives. The book “Freedom at Midnight” narrates a story of an opulent Indian prince who died of boredom. Zacchaeus probably has destination sickness (Please read my Day 21 post of March 24, 2017). But now he wants love, respect, and peace with contentment.

Dear child of God, are you wondering how to see Jesus but are afraid to approach him? If you are a seeker of Jesus, His Truth, and His Good News, please read the Gospel of John, and you will note that Jesus himself says, you will be taught by God (John 6:45). If you are a believer, continue to delight in the word and God himself will continue to teach and guide you (Psalm 32:8). God does not care about your stature, standing, or status. He loves you enough to send His own Son to die for you. Also, do you know that God sings for you (Zephaniah 3:17)? Be thankful and sing-

Dear God, whenever I feel low, lonely, undesirable, and unwanted, please lift me up with your Word and your Truth who came for me and my sins. I thank you for all that He has done and is still doing (Romans 8:34) for me. Amen. 

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