Saturday, April 8, 2017

Stand and shout, “TODAY I am a citizen of heaven!” DAY 34

Please read Luke 19:1-10

Today we look at verses 6 to 10. After Jesus tells Zacchaeus to “hurry and come down”, he hurries down the tree and joyfully receives Jesus. Everyone else is upset (Luke 19:7), but Zacchaeus, full of joy and gladness, does not care because he is focused on Jesus. Jesus is with him! And Jesus is in his house!!

So first Zacchaeus receives Jesus’ invitation, next he receives him into his house, and then we see his response (Luke 19:8). He does all of this joyfully. In the Gospel of Luke joy is a significant and repeated theme (ex. Luke 2:8-11). We also see that he stands up to respond to Jesus, meaning he wants everyone around him to hear him.

Then Jesus says something marvelous (Luke 19:9). He says, “Today salvation has come to this house”. Many remember Jesus using the word “today” (Luke 23:43) with the thief on the cross, but this is the first time that Jesus uses  “today” to assure Zacchaeus and you.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the day Jesus came to you is the day God declared YOU righteous in His sight. The Bible calls this declaration by God justification (Romans 8:33) Not just that, from that day, you are God’s child (2 Corinthians 6:18); you are given the right to call Him Abba, Father (Galatians 4:4-7); and you are a citizen of heaven (Philippians 3:20). So stand and shout  “ Because of Jesus, TODAY I am a citizen of heaven and a child of God!” so others can see your joy!

Dear Jesus, I thank you that TODAY I am a citizen of heaven because you died on the cross for my sins and you rose on the third day for my salvation. Amen.

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