Friday, April 14, 2017

Remember and trust Day 39 2x2

Please read Psalm 22:1-5

In 1932, Gladys Aylward left her native England and went to China to serve as a missionary. Within 4 years she was given Chinese citizenship for her work with orphans and the local prisons. When the Japanese invaded Yangcheng, where she served, with only one assistant helping her, Gladys took more than one hundred orphans over mountains to a safer area. In the book "The Hidden Price of Greatness" her adventure is narrated - "During Glady’s harrowing journey out of war-torn Yangcheng ... she grappled with despair as never before. After passing a sleepless night, she faced the morning with no hope of reaching safety. A 13-year-old girl in the group reminded her of their much-loved story of Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea. "But I am not Moses," Gladys cried in desperation. "Of course you aren’t," the girl said, "but Jehovah is still God." When Gladys and the orphans made it through, they proved once again that no matter how inadequate we feel, God is still God, and we can trust in him.” I wish I had the faith of the 13-year-old orphan all the time.

In the lesson for today, King David is the psalmist. At the beginning of the psalm, David is grieving. He writes that God is not hearing his prayer. Then he remembers how his forefathers trusted God and how God delivered them. Again and again, David remembers and finds comfort in the stories of his ancestors.  

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, just like David and the orphan, find comfort in the great stories of the saints in the Bible and in your own lifetime. And whenever you need deliverance, trust God and approach and ask Him in faith and He will deliver you from your trials and troubles.

Heavenly Father, help my unbelief during my temptations, trials, and troubles. Amen.

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