Friday, March 31, 2017

I'll send an SOS to the world, I hope that someone gets my Tears in a bottle Day 27

Please read Psalm 56:8-11 and Luke 18:9-14.

For years, I have been wishing to meet this one person and talk to him. He is not a famous movie star, or a politician or even a famous theologian. He is one of the first ‘Christian’ online writers that I came across in the early 2000s. I can’t recall the name of his short-lived website, and in fact, I don’t even remember his name. He claimed to be born again, but everything he wrote was about himself. He argued as a born again Christian he no longer sinned. (Hmmm what about 1 John 1:8?)  Almost every other sentence had the words ‘I and my’, and I was reminded of the Pharisee from Luke. (With his words 12 I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get”, the Pharisee is essentially reminding God of his own good works, as if God does not know or God can’t remember.)  The man knew his KJV Bible, but all his writings were about himself and not about God or His Grace. And here’s the kicker – the man believed that God did not know (any) man’s future plans or actions, AND could not remember what man has done. His best and most repeated illustration/argument – I am going to wave my hand right now and God does know how the number of times I am going to wave my hand, and will not remember.

In today’s text, we encounter something that sounds strange to our 21st-century thinking, “8 You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle.” Tears in a bottle? We read of people sending messages in bottles; heard Sting’s song “Message in Bottle”; but tears in a bottle?

Well, the truth is, tear bottles have been around for millennia. Archeologists have dug up a lachrymatory (tear bottle) or two. You can even buy one these days – here is a link - (I guess after Pet Rock - there are no more surprises).  

When David writes about his tears it makes sense. You and I cry when we are hurt or desolate. After some time, we cry again -remembering the time(s) we cried. And then, we cry - even more, thinking no one remembers, cares, or knows our pain. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the man of sorrows and acquainted with grief” (Isaiah 53:3) remembers. He cares. Also, he knows your pain, because he too was despised and rejected by men” (Isaiah 53:3). Our loving God, full of mercy and grace, ‘catches YOUR TEARS in HIS bottle.’

So once again dear ones, let us turn to God and find comfort in Him, His deeds for us and His Word. Remember, David writes,  10 In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord, whose word I praise, 11  in God I trust; I shall not be afraid.  What can man do to me?”

Abba, Father, I thank you for sending Jesus - remembering me, my sins, the resultant tears, and my inability to save myself. I am grateful that you no more remember my sins because of Jesus. Help me to always remember these truths, trust you and be unafraid of anyone or anything. Amen.

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