Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Ashes? Ashes? We don't need no Ashes! Day 1

DAY1 Why Ashes?

Beginning today many observe the 40-day Lent season! But if you were to count the days from Ash Wednesday to Easter it would be more than 40 days. So what is the deal? The truth is Lent is not observed on Sundays because every Sunday we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus!
So we begin by observing, not celebrating, Ash Wednesday. Now you might wonder -Why Ashes? How can we follow something that is Catholic? Also don’t many cultures associate ashes with dirt and death? Don’t we clean our fireplaces and wood-ovens of ashes and people dispose of cremated body ashes? Also, don’t we get dirty when we touch ashes?

The truth is ashes symbolize our ‘dust to dust-ness’ (…for you are dust, and to dust you shall return. Genesis 3:19). Without Jesus we would still be dirty, dead and far from God. Jesus came to the earth, lived among men, suffered, died on the cross for your sins and mine and on the third day rose for our salvation. And because of Jesus and His cleansing blood, we are presented pure to God. So we remember and reflect on what Jesus did for us.

Other Questions:
How are the ashes made?
By burning palms from the previous year’s Palm Sunday.

Do I have to put Ashes on my forehead?
There is no such requirement.

I should always be joyful because I belong to Christ! So why do I have to feel sad during Lent?
You are correct to be full of Joy because of and remembering the good that Christ brings. At the same time you and I should never forget Jesus’ suffering for our sins.

Does the Bible teach the observance of Ash Wednesday?
While Ash Wednesday and Lent are not in the Bible, the ideas are.  In the Bible ashes represent humility, remorse, repentance and mourning.

Why 40 days?
Jesus, after 40 days of fasting, overcame the temptation by the devil and began his ministry. We also spend the 40 days of Lent reflecting on our temptations and our sinful lives and repent and rely on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Blessed and heavenly Father: I thank You for giving me the privilege and right to be Your child through Jesus! Bless me from this day and season with Your Grace, Mercy, and above all Your Love to always remember everything You did for me through Your Son. In His name I pray! Amen!


  1. Thanks for clearing up the questions I had about ashes.

  2. Thanks for your post, Pastor Ben! A few years ago, I decided to join a Catholic brother in Christ on Ash Wednesday. I allowed ashes to be "imposed" on my forehead. Then, I remember how I went through the day as a "marked" man. Sometimes the visible is a good reminder of the invisible for us as humans. And yes, anything that reminds us of the cost of our forgiveness is a very good thing. May the dear Lord bless you with joy to continue posting everyday throughout Lent, to His glory and our blessing.
