Thursday, February 25, 2016

“…God … gives the growth.”(1 Cor. 3:7) Day 14

“…and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock was Christ.” 1 Corinthians 10:4

Today I introduce to you Edward Mote. Edward was born in 1797 to pub owners who were always busy with their business. By the grace of God, at 18 he heard the gospel and became a Christian. Later Edward began cabinet making and that was his profession for 37 years. At age 55 he became a pastor and served until a year before his death at age 77. 

Edward was such a well-liked pastor that he once was offered the church building as a gift. He refused - stating, “I only want the pulpit.” Edward also wrote over 150 hymns. Interestingly, his best-known hymn was written when he was a cabinetmaker – 18 years before he became a pastor.

Dear Friend, God may/may-not equip you to write a memorable hymn. What ever your talent might be, you can use it in His Kingdom. Are you willing to do your mite? God will take the mite and multiply it for His Glory.

Enjoy Edward’s best-known hymn –

Dear God my Father, I thank you that through Jesus you ‘delivered me from sinking in the mire’ (Psalm 69:14) and made me yours. Use me in Your Kingdom for your Glory. In Jesus’ name I ask, thank and pray. Amen.

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