Friday, February 12, 2016

Running to …. and Regretting! Day 3

Repentance 2

The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

A husband and wife are travelling in their car and the husband driving. At one point the wife tells her husband to turn right and by mistake he turns left. Immediately he says, “I am sorry dear, I should have listened to you.” And just make sure that she heard him, he says  “Sorry. You are right, I took the wrong turn.” But that’s all he does – he says sorry but keeps on driving in the wrong direction. So the truth is, they are travelling away from their destination.  To reach the destination, he needs to turn the car around and go the opposite direction. Continuing in the same direction or turning any other direction will not make them reach their destination. Neither do acknowledging the error and apologizing!

Dear Friend in Jesus, you might be wondering why another day on repentance. Let me begin by humbly suggesting an exercise – next week ask three of your Christian friends the question “What is true repentance?” If all three of them answer this question correct, I will say this – you are truly blessed to have them as friends. On the other hand, don’t be surprised if your friends do not know the answer (sadly most don’t – I didn’t know until my late 30s)

So what is true repentance? Yesterday I wrote it ‘entails changing our ways’. That is good but is it enough? If I run after a sin and then regret and run to another sin, is that true repentance?

Please indulge me as I use this illustration (a true story) once again. One of my relatives, a chain smoker, attended a very strict Bible church that taught smoking tobacco was a sin. For years he was told to quit but it was not was not easy for him. Then one Sunday during testimony time, he stood up and announced he quit smoking with by the grace of God. The church members praised God and were all happy for him but soon everyone realized that he gave up cigarettes for snuff. He gave up one form of tobacco for another form of tobacco!

So once again, when a sinner ‘repents’ of his sin, is it true repentance if he turns to another sin?  So where to turn? (More tomorrow)

Blessed and Heavenly Father! My life is nothing but running to sin and later regretting. In Your kindness and patience, please help me to truly repent of my sins. In your Son’s name I plead. Amen.

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