Saturday, February 17, 2018

The still small voice… Day 4

Please read 1 Kings 19:1-13

Before home refrigerators, people would buy blocks of ice to keep their food cool and preserved. So there were businesses that made and sold ice. Once the ice blocks were manufactured they were packed in hay and stored in warehouses to be distributed. One day a man working in one of the ice manufacturing factories lost his watch, a family heirloom. All of his co-workers searched for sometime in the hay and the ice, but could not find the watch. Then it was time for lunch and all except one wise older man went out to eat. When people returned from lunch, they found the older man waiting for them with the watch. They were amazed and asked the older man “ How did you find it, when all of us could not?” The man smiled and replied, “ Well, I waited until all you left and then I listened for the ticking of the watch. That’s how I found it.”

In our text for today, we encounter Elijah the prophet. Elijah suffered a lot in his life for his faith. In the chapter’s beginning we see that he is fleeing from the evil Jezebel and he is tired of all the trials and he wants to die. He asks God, “It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life, for I am no better than my fathers.” But God has plans(Isaiah 55:8-9) for His prophet. First, God provides food and water to Elijah and 40 days later he speaks to His prophet. 

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, sometimes we feel like we need many things to survive in this world. But what we really need is God’s Word. It’s God’s Word and the hearing of his Word that gives us faith and saves us (Romans 10:17). But many times we forget that God’s Word also sustains us (Psalm 119:105; Jeremiah 15:16). The truth is God speaks to us mainly through His Word and though the words of His servants. So we need ask ourselves- “ Am I listening when He speaks? Am I willing to listen or am busy with cacophony of the world? Am I NOT listening because I do not want to respond to His words?” As Psalm 46:10-11 and Exodus 14:13-14 teach us let us be silent and still and wait for God’s magnificent plans and salvation for us.

Dear God, remove my restless thoughts and words from me and equip me to be silent and still to hear, rely and respond to your words. In Jesus name, Amen.

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