Thursday, February 22, 2018

What’s so great/unique about Christianity? (Video Song) Day 8

What’s so great/unique about Christianity? Day 8

Please read Ephesians 2:4-9

During a conference on religions, different religious leaders from all over the world began a discussion on what might be the unique doctrine of Christianity. They talked about different concepts that Christians expound. Then they realized the concepts - such as incarnation, resurrection, and others- were also taught in other religions. The discussion then turned into a debate and continued for sometime and there was no consensus coming to any unique doctrine of Christianity. Then C. S. Lewis, who came late to the conference that day, entered the room and asked what was going on. Someone explained what was being debated. Mr. Lewis’ pithy response stopped the debate. His response was “That's easy. It's grace”, and then he explained God’s grace to all present.

Dear brother and sister in Christ, our faith is not about what we (can) do for God, but what God has done for us. Some Christians think that God is passive, and man is to be active. But the reality is - God is active in our Christian lives. Beginning with our creation and salvation, everything is about what God, in His grace, is doing or has done through Jesus. We can only receive God’s gracious gift(s) and respond with gratitude (more on grace to come).

Dear gracious God, because of you and your son, I will live forever. Please bless me with an obedient and fruitful life. In Jesus name. Amen.

Here is a great song with lyrics (not the best video)

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