Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Blessing upon blessing? (Exercise and Video) Day 12

Please read John 1:16-17

Rowland Hill was a British pastor and an evangelist in the 18th century. One day he was given large amount of money to give to a poor pastor. Thinking that the amount was too much to send all at once, Rev. Hill forwarded just a portion along with a note that said simply, “More to follow.” In a few days the poor pastor received another envelope containing the same amount and with the same message, “More to follow.” At regular intervals, came a third, a fourth and they continued, along with those assuring words, until the entire sum had been received.

C. H. Spurgeon, the great preacher, used this story to illustrate that the good things we receive from God always come with the same prospect of more to follow. He said: “When God forgives our sins, there’s more forgiveness to follow. He justifies us in the righteousness of Christ, but there’s more to follow. He adopts us into His family, but there’s more to follow. He prepares us for heaven, but there’s more to follow. He gives us grace, but there’s more to follow. He helps us to old age, but there’s still more to follow.”

Spurgeon concluded, “Even when we arrive in the world to come, there will still be more to follow.”

Dear brother and sister in Christ, this Lent season, as we reflect on God and his work through Jesus in our lives, let us also recollect and reminisce the blessing upon blessing that God has showered upon us. If you are wondering right now, ‘what blessing upon blessing?’ please try this exercise – take a sheet of paper and draw a line in the middle of it. On the left write all the trials and troubles of your life; on the right (please spend some time) and list all that God has done for you in your life, include all the blessings.  I am positive the list on the right will be longer than the one on the left. (If your list on the left is longer than the one on the right please contact me- my email address is on the blog).

Dear God, your graces are many but I do not remember them. Instead I focus only on my real and perceived trials. Please forgive me and hold me that I will never forget you and your blessings. In Jesus name. Amen.

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