Thursday, February 15, 2018

In the Pits? Day 2

Please read Joel 2:1-13

('The pits' is slang for the worst possible thing, place, condition, etc.)

During the time of Prophet Joel, there was a destructive locust plague in the land of Judah. Using that calamity, Joel teaches his listeners (and us) that the Judgment Day of God is going to be much, much, much more worse.  

In Joel 2:1-11, Joel tells how the “Day of the Lord” will come and there will be fire, darkness, gloom, trembling etc. The Day of the Lord (Isaiah 13:6, Amos 5:18-20, Zephaniah 1:14-17) is the final judgment that the Israelites (we) will face.

Next we hear about God’s love and we need not be afraid of that Day. God’s declaration in Joel 2:12, to return to Him with all your heart” should remind us of His Greatest Commandment and Shema where He tells us to love Him “with all (y)our heart” ( Deuteronomy 6:4-6).

In Joel 2:13, the prophet narrates how God will be there for those (Israelites and us) who turn (repent) and return to Him. Words such as gracious (channun), merciful (rachum), and abounding in steadfast love (chesed) are used to describe God’s love for His people. The term channun teaches us God’s proclivity and propensity to bequeath His favor freely, without any expectation of gain or benefit. Rachum, related to rechem -meaning womb, is used to remind us the limitless love and compassion a mother has for her newborn. Chesed expresses God’s loyalty even when we are not loyal (2 Timothy 2:13).

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, feel like you are engulfed in a mental/spiritual plague or war? Feel like you are in the pits? Do not worry. Because of Jesus, God will make His gracious, merciful and loving face shine upon you (Numbers 6:24-26) and will lift you up. What about repentance (you ask)? See Paul’s answer in Romans 2:4.

Dear Jesus, without your love for me on the cross, I would not know true love (1 John 4:19). Thank You. Amen

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  1. Our destiny is sure through repentance made possible by his loving kindness.
