Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Your Honor, my client is guilty! Day 6

Please read 1 John 2:1

Advocates, Lawyers, Pleaders, Barristers, Attorneys - whatever you call them - they are highly educated, skilled and trained professionals who can get you out of trouble when you break the law. A good attorney, a defense lawyer, will come to court and will plead that you are innocent. He will do his best to set you free, i.e., to make you dodge judgement/punishment when you break the law.  So when you break the law of the land, your human advocate, the person you hire, will argue for your innocence to set you free. That’s what a good defense advocate is supposed to do. However, the human advocate might not come to your defense if you are not able to pay him.

Coming to our text, Apostle John uses the word Advocate to talk about Jesus and what He will do for you. John uses the Greek word parakletos, which means ‘someone who is summoned to one’s side or called to aid the person who is in trouble’. John calls him the  Jesus Christ the righteous”.  So what will Jesus do when you are going to be judged? He will come to your defense, admit your guilt, and then He will enter the plea to set you free because He paid the atoning sacrifice for your guilt for sinning. You don’t have to pay – He paid the penalty for you! As the Righteous One, Jesus is the only perfect person to defend you and free you. And he does this faithfully and it will cost you nothing except to receive Him and His grace in faith. Charles Spurgeon writes, “God will not be absent when His people are on trial; he will stand in court as their advocate, to plead on their behalf.”
Dear Brother and Sister in Christ, during this Lent season reflect on everything that Jesus did (Romans 5:6-8) and is doing (Hebrews 7:25) for you to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before” God (Colossians 1:22). 

Dear Jesus, all I can say is Thank You! Amen!

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