Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Mountaintop Experiences - Ash Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Please read Mark 9:2-9

When I was high school, I spent summers in a town near Horsley Hills, a summer resort famous for its cool weather and beautiful vegetation. People would go there and talk about their visit and they would go on and on about their experiences. I heard others climb various hills or mountains and also talk non-stop about their own mountaintop experiences.  

In the three synoptic Gospels (viz. Matthew 17:1–8; Mark 9:2–9; Luke 9:28–36. Also briefly referred to in John 1:14), we read about Jesus’ transfiguration and Peter, James and John’s mountaintop experience. First they see Jesus transfigured – as Mark writes And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became radiant, intensely white, as no one on earth could bleach them.” Then they see Moses, who represents the Law, and Elijah, who represents the Prophets, and they are probably excited. And then they are afraid (Luke 9:34) because they experience the presence of God as they hear His voice and when a bright cloud overshadow(s) them. (What so special about a cloud? – read Exodus 13:21-22; Exodus 40:34 -35; 2 Chronicles 5:13-14). They probably want to share their mountaintop experience but they are commanded not to talk about it (Matthew 17:9; Mark 2:9).

If they were to share their mountaintop experience, they may have talked about Moses, Elijah, white clothes, God’s voice and the cloud. Later, we read that the three are focused on Elijah (Matthew 17:10-13), rising of the dead (Mark 9:10), and building tents (Luke 9:33). But they do not understand how in the end only Jesus is there for them (Mark 9:8) and he is all that they(we) need.

Dear Brother and Sister in Christ, you must have some great experiences in your life that you tell others. Maybe you have real mountaintop experiences, or you have experienced something great in the church or even while reading the Bible. During those times do you always acknowledge and remember that Jesus, and only Jesus, is there for you? So during this Lent season, let’s always remember Jesus is all we need (Matthew 6:33).

Dear Jesus, often I forget that you- my Savior, my Lord, my God, and the founder and perfecter of my faith – are always there for me and living to intercede for me (Hebrews 7:25). Please forgive me and bless me. Amen!

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