Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Necessary, but not deserved! Day 13

Please read Ephesians 1:3-10

When you work for eight hours and get money for the eight hours, those are wages. When you practice, practice, and practice and then compete against an opponent, win and receive a trophy, that is a prize. When you serve others, labor at your job, or excel in an art, your efforts are recognized and you get an award. When a man has no ability to work and earn wages, no skill or power to win a prize, no beauty, personality or talent to win an award, he can still be recipient of God’s grace, because God loves man.

It was grace when the Father showered his love (Luke 15:22-23) on the unworthy prodigal (Luke 15:18-19). The rich father gave his son not what he deserved but what was necessary(and more).

It was grace when the Samaritan went out of his way for the injured, ignored and disregarded Jew (Luke 10:30-35). The kind Samaritan showed grace upon grace to the Jew.

It was grace upon grace when Jesus came to this earth for you, suffered on the cross and died for your sins, rose from the dead for your justification, gave you His Spirit for your wisdom and walk, and gave you the right to be called the child of God.  And it will be grace upon grace when He comes back for you, gives a glorified body, and gives you the mansion He is building for you right now.

Dear brother and sister in Christ, in this age of crowing and vaunting about self, can we truly understand grace upon grace without the help of God the Holy Spirit? Ponder anew!

Dear Holy Spirit God, you taught this undeserving sinner about Jesus and his sacrifice, and brought salvation, joy and peace to me. Please guide me to respond your grace by bearing the right fruit in my life. Amen.

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