Monday, February 26, 2018

Grace in the Old Testament – In the Beginning….. Day 11

Please read Acts 17:24-25

In the Old Testament, we encounter the word chen which means favor, grace, kindness and acceptance. For example, Genesis 6:5-8 we learn of man’s wickedness but God favored Noah.  Grace can be described as the kindness or favor that powerful person shows toward a lower-status person, who does not deserve the kindness or favor. It is the willful act of a king acting kindly towards a lowly subject. It is God stooping down to be beneficent to man.

So where can we first see God’s grace/favor? In the beginning itself! God in His all His wisdom and grace, saw all of His creation and it was very good(Genesis 1:31). And in all that creation, God made man in His image and in His likeness (Genesis 1: 26-27). And even after the fall, God’s grace is evident towards man – God could have destroyed mankind and earth and made for himself another earth and another human race. Again in His grace, God stooped down and came onto the earth to save man.

Dear brother and sister in Christ, God took an earth without form and void, and covered with darkness (Genesis 1:2) and gave us a good place to live. In fact, after every creation God saw it was good. Was it created good for God Himself? God actually made sure that His creation was good for man – you and me. Your creation and my creation and your life and my life, your salvation and my salvation are all about the grace of our God. But do we really acknowledge His grace in our lives, thoughts and prayers or even comprehend?

So let’s always try to remember that from the beginning grace upon grace is being showered upon us until the day God takes us home.

Dear God, it is in your active, loving grace that I breathe and live. Help me never forget this truth. In Jesus name. Amen.

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