Saturday, March 31, 2018

When you reach the Plimsoll Mark! Day 40

Please read Psalm 50:22-23

We now come to the last two verses of Psalm 50. In the Psalm, we see how God deals with two types of people, the Clueless who are His own and the Hypocrite/Wicked. Now in the church, you and I might not be able to tell the two types apart but God knows. The Hypocrites behave wickedly and do not see the need to thank God. Coming to the Clueless people who belong to God, they forget God and His blessings and are too busy with religion to show their gratitude to God in word and deed. So God reminds them there is none to deliver” but Himself.

For centuries, merchant ships were lost at sea because they were overloaded. Then Samuel Plimsoll of England came up with a simple idea for the problem. He suggested that a line should be painted on the sides of merchant vessels.  The line, which became known as the Plimsoll Mark, serves to indicate the maximum depth to which the vessel may be safely immersed when loaded with cargo. The people on/in the ship cannot tell the overloading, but those outside the ship, familiar with the Plimsoll Mark can warn/inform those in/on the ship.

 Dear brother and sister in Christ, only God knows our Plimsoll Mark. Whenever you and I act clueless and stray, our omniscient God intervenes, warns us and graciously shows us a way out, as Paul also teaches us 1 Corinthians 10:13.  But the problem is when God shows such grace toward us, do we actually recognize God’s provision and providence and thank and praise Him?  So we, who are saved by His grace and receive grace upon grace from Him, let’s live in a life of humility and thanksgiving!

Dear God, you seek true worshippers who worship You in the Spirit and in truth (John 4:23), but I miss that mark all the time. Humbly I ask you to guide me the right way with your truth and with Your Spirit. In Jesus name, Amen.

Friday, March 30, 2018

God condemns the Hypocrite and the Wicked in the Church! Day 39

Please read Psalm 50:16-21

During her 2007 Stop Global Warming College Tour, Sheryl Crow encouraged people to save the environment by using only one square of toilet paper. At the same time, she and her entourage had high demands for themselves, including lavish accommodations and pricey alcohol. The website reported, ‘Additionally, when the global warming warrior hits the road, her touring entourage travels in 3 tractor trailers, 4 buses, and 6 cars. Now that’s a carbon footprint!’

In Psalm 50:7 we see God addressing His people. But in today’s text, He addresses the wicked. Who are wicked according to God in this text? God clarifies that they are the ones who “recite (his) statutes or take (His) covenant on (their) lips”. Now are these wicked who profess God’s statutes and covenants (we should ask) outside the church or in the church? Since those outside the church don’t care about God’s statutes or covenants, God is actually saying it is those in Church who are acting hypocritical and wicked. These are the ones who also think that they can fool/impress God by offering/showing Him false righteousness.

What charges does God lay against the wicked in the church?  Reciting God’s statutes
and covenants to others but “hating discipline’ and denying God’s Word (vs.16&17), theft, adultery, and being with sinners (18), lying (19), slandering (20), thinking god (note lower case ‘g’- the idol they create in their own mind) approves their actions (21) by His silence.

Man always thinks he can fool God and/or tries to create/define God in his own image. But what does God want?  True and genuine change (James 3:17), along with a life that displays true testimony (James 1:27), and true and proper character (Philippians 1:10) that displays true and humble obedience (James 1:22-24) and true and sincere faith and praise (James 1:26).

Dear brother and sister in Christ, if God were to come today, what charges will He lay against you and me? Can our life/lies survive the “devouring fire”(Psalm 50:3) before Him? So let’s test ourselves, our walk, our behavior in church and towards our neighbors, and repent and turn to God.

Dear Heavenly Father, being ignorant of your righteousness, and seeking to establish my own, I do not submit to your righteousness (Romans 10:3). Please help to seek your righteousness first (Matthew 6:33). In Jesus name, Amen!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

God Calls and Teaches His Clueless! Day 38 2x2

Please read Psalm 50:7-15

A story is told of King Edward VII. When his mother died, many Royals, dignitaries, popular politicians, and Heads of States came from England and abroad came to console the King. All of them tried to comfort the newly crowned King by talking non-stop about his mother, Queen Victoria, who ruled the world 63 years. The King said nothing –people thought he was being brave and stoic. He sat for some time listening to people wax eloquent about his mother and he looked serious and quiet. Then one man came, said nothing but held the King’s hand and the King broke down. That’s what the King needed.

In today’s text verse 7, we learn whom God is calling. He wants everyone to know His call is extremely important. Now, who is he calling? Clearly, His own people -includes you and me- according to Psalm 50:4-5. Now, why is God calling? So He can testify against His people. In this text, God is both the witness and the judge. Why is God testifying against his people? Because of their ignorance and their clueless understanding of God’s heart. Psalm 50:8-13 tells us the sacrifices and offerings that they give to God, which are actually His. So what does this Cosmic Judge, our God want? ‘A sacrifice of thanksgiving, and perform(ing) vows to the Most High’.  God is saying His people are ritualistic and bringing Him sacrifices and offerings.

Just like an earthly father accepting his child’s useless Father’s Day gifts with a smile, God is accepting His peoples’ offerings and sacrifices. But He is teaching us all, that our understanding of God and His expectations are missing the mark(Psalm 50:14).

Dear brother and sister in Christ, let’s understand our loving Father and what God expects of us (Psalm 50:14-15; Psalm 51:17). So let’s listen to God’s Word and God the Holy Spirit’s prompts and offer ourselves to God with humble hearts.

Spirit of the Living God, your ‘knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it’ (Psalm 139:6). Guide me to the right path and understanding. Amen.


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Here comes the Judge! Here comes the Holy Judge! Day 37

Please read Psalm 50:1-6

When we break the law the police come with a warrant or summons and arrest us. Then they and the prosecutors take us to court to face a judge. The judge who presides will be addressed as ‘your honor’. He will be given a case file which he reads, then he hears the (1) arguments of the attorneys from both sides and (2) the witnesses testimony from both sides and then he will render his judgment and decide on the punishment which will be carried out by the appropriate authority or authorities.

In today’s text, God is the judge and he is one who summons the earth. He is called   El(the Mighty One) Elohim(God) Yahweh (the Lord) (Psalm 50:1), not ‘your honor’.  Also, God, the judge needs no case files, no witnesses, and no attorneys to get his information. He is the all-seeing God (Hebrews 4:13), the Cosmic Judge who knows it all, and no one can fool Him. After pronouncing the judgment, He is the supreme authority who will not only decide the punishment/future and He himself will carry it out (Isaiah 46:10) for before him is a devouring fire(and) around him a mighty tempest. And His audience is heavens above and the earth.

Dear brother and sister in Christ, everyone will be judged (2 Corinthians 5:9-10, Romans 14:10-12) and every sin will come to light (Romans 2:16). However, there is no need for you to despair (Romans 8:1) because of Jesus (1 John 2:1). So ask yourself ‘am I in Christ Jesus’ (Romans 8:1)?  If you are, then it’s a judgment you can bear. (More from Psalm 50 tomorrow)

Dear God, whatever the accuser throws at me, your just judgment I trust because You gave me Jesus to be on my side. Amen.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

God Judges what He Owns! (Video Songs) Day 36

Please read Psalm 50:1-23

Christians might not recognize Psalm 50, but they do know and recite many phrases in the Psalm. The ESV text has the title  God Himself Is Judge” and Asaph is its author. We will study the Psalm over the next few days but today we will look at the teaching of 3 verses (Psalm 50:10-12).

The first verse of Psalm 24 makes it clear that “The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein” (Psalm 24:1). Man needs to understand the truth that God owns EVERYTHING in the world. The knowledge that God owns and is over everything- Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool” - should humble man (Isaiah 66:1-2). He controls everything – the day, the night, the sun and the moon (Psalm 74:16). Also, scripture teaches that God owns all the wealth (Haggai 2:8) and He can give and He can take it away. (Deuteronomy 8:18, 1 Timothy 6:17, Proverbs 11:28, Proverbs 28:22, Exodus 3:21-22).

Dear brother and sister in Christ, the Bible teaches that all life on earth belongs to God (Psalm 50:10-11), and you and your soul are in the hands of God (Ezekiel 18:4; Luke 12:16-20). Since God simply owns you he could do anything to you for your sin and disobedience, yet through Jesus’ sacrifice (1 Peter 1:18-19, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20) He reconciles you to Himself (Colossian1:20). One day all creation, saved and damned, will acknowledge His Lordship (Philippians 2:10-11). In the Philippians text, the ESV uses the English word Lord, but the Greek word is kyrios which means the owner, the one who controls a person, the possessor or disposer of a thing. So do you recognize God’s divine ownership of/in your life? Also, whenever you state, “Jesus is my Lord”, do you realize you are affirming that he is your owner?

Dear Jesus, my senses have been dulled by the platitudes I speak about you, your cross, and your sacrifice. Ignite in me the full awareness that you are my Creator, my Savior, and my Lord. Amen.