Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Do You know Your Status RIGHT NOW? Day 31

Your Status RIGHT NOW!  Day 31

Please read John 8:31-36

During World War II, an American airman named MacDonald and a Scottish chaplain were captured and put into a prison camp, with MacDonald in the American barracks and the chaplain in the British barracks. The Germans put a wire fence between the American and British prisoners, and it was impossible for the two sides to communicate privately. But the Americans had managed to put together a homemade radio and were able to get news from the outside, more precious in a prison camp even than food. And every day MacDonald and the Scottish Chaplain would meet at the fence and exchange a brief greeting. Since the two men spoke in Gaelic, which the Germans couldn’t understand, the greeting consisted largely of the latest news headline. 

Finally, the news came on the homemade radio that the war was over and the German High Command had surrendered. MacDonald transmitted the news to his friend and he watched him run into the British barracks. A moment later, a roar of celebration came from the British barracks. The camp was transformed. Men sang and shouted, waving and smiling at the bewildered German guards, who did not know that their High Command hand surrendered.

Three days later, the German guards were informed that the war was over finally over. They then simply walked away from their posts, leaving the gates unlocked. The next morning, the prisoners walked out as free men.

If you really think about it, both the American and British prisoners knew they were free three days earlier–because they heard the truth on the radio that the war was over.  But they had to wait three days.

Dear brother and sister and Christ, do you realize RIGHT NOW YOU A FREE WOMAN/MAN?  You are set free because Jesus shed his blood on the cross for YOU. Freedom from what, you wonder/ask? More tomorrow.

Dear Heavenly Father, your Word tells me I am free. But I feel like a prisoner all the time. Please teach me through your Spirit and enable me to realize my freedom in Jesus. In His name I thank and pray, Amen.

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