Saturday, March 3, 2018

I will be happy when ______________! Day 16

Please read John 15:9-11.

Dear brother and sister in Christ, my plan for today was to write on Mercy. But I read this article - - and remembered other articles about what people do to be happy. The CNN article got me thinking – especially when I encountered words such as “celebrated” and “events that are fun and whimsical”.

As we know, the U.S. Declaration of Independence has a famous phrase -"LifeLiberty and the pursuit of Happiness".  These three are known as ‘unalienable rights, which are given to all humans by their Creator’. So today we will briefly look at happiness and the pursuit of happiness.

So what is happiness? I will say - a sensation in which one has feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction to ecstasy and bliss, as a result of intense pleasure.  Now happiness may be an internal feeling but it is caused by external events.  Man is as happy as he has made his mind to be. He searches everywhere for happiness not realizing happiness is man-made and mind-brewed. The CNN article talks about the woman who created 1900 holidays for fun. It is interesting that she has over 5 holidays for each calendar day. Some might say – good job – but when will this seeking of fun or happiness end or when will man experience complete happiness?

So people want to be happy all the time – they look for new and creative ways to be happy. But the truth is happiness is not promised to us in the Bible. God is not concerned about your happiness and Jesus did not die on the cross so that you could be happy – God is not in the happiness business.

Jesus’ answer is – JOY -Jesus showed us He loves us (John 15:13); He teaches/ commands us how to love (John 13:34-35); and He gives us his joy and then He says our joy will be complete(John 15:11).

Dear brother and sister in Christ, God wants you to experience joy, and for you to be joyful. Joy is caused internally and emerges from the inside out. Joy comes when Jesus gives you His Spirit and you abide in Him. When bad things happen, happiness is gone, but joy remains.  Joy is knowing that that whatever happens outside of you, God is with you and will neither leave you nor forsake you.  Happiness comes from being served or being rewarded/applauded for serving- Joy makes you give, give and serve. (I will never forget what one pastor taught me when I was a teen – JOY is putting Jesus first, Others next and Yourself last.) If you are blessed with external events or items that bring you (temporary) happiness that is okay, but let’s focus on the God in our hearts who brings joy to us and others.

Dear Jesus, whatever the world throws at me and whatever the world cheats/deprives me of, make me grateful of you and your work with a heart full of joy. Amen.

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