Monday, March 12, 2018

No Excuses! No Blaming Others! No Choices! No Self-justification! Day 23

Please read Psalm 51:1-2

In a world that seeks and craves perfection, blameshifting abounds.  The first man Adam blamed God for his own sin.  He told God he ate the forbidden fruit because of the woman ‘whom God gave to be with him’ (Genesis 3:12). However, in Psalm 51 there is no blameshifting by David.

In the book of 2 Samuel, we learn David’s sin (2 Samuel 11:2-25), repentance (2 Samuel 12:7-13), and punishment (2 Samuel 12:15-19). The adulterer, schemer, and murderer repents after he hears God’s word through His prophet Nathan. The first two verses of his Psalm show his plea for God’s mercy. As you know, mercy is not getting what you/I deserve. David’s opening “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love”, shows his insight that he has no right, status, merit or claim to approach God. He realizes God is a merciful God and he appeals to God’s abundant sovereign mercy and steadfast love.

His words I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.” (Psalm 51:5) show that he is not blaming others. Only he is to blame –not others, not Bathsheba, not his upbringing, not circumstances – for his sin, because he was a sinner before he was born.  

Dear brother and sister in Christ, in the same way, let’s not blame others, including the devil, for our sinning.

Heavenly Father, I am a sinner - the primary, willing and active player coming to my sinning- yet you showed me your love on the cross when your Son died for my sins and rose for my salvation. Help me to live with this awareness and with a life of humble repentance and gratitude. In His name. Amen.

Here is a Hebrew song based on Psalm 51

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