Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Here comes the Judge! Here comes the Holy Judge! Day 37

Please read Psalm 50:1-6

When we break the law the police come with a warrant or summons and arrest us. Then they and the prosecutors take us to court to face a judge. The judge who presides will be addressed as ‘your honor’. He will be given a case file which he reads, then he hears the (1) arguments of the attorneys from both sides and (2) the witnesses testimony from both sides and then he will render his judgment and decide on the punishment which will be carried out by the appropriate authority or authorities.

In today’s text, God is the judge and he is one who summons the earth. He is called   El(the Mighty One) Elohim(God) Yahweh (the Lord) (Psalm 50:1), not ‘your honor’.  Also, God, the judge needs no case files, no witnesses, and no attorneys to get his information. He is the all-seeing God (Hebrews 4:13), the Cosmic Judge who knows it all, and no one can fool Him. After pronouncing the judgment, He is the supreme authority who will not only decide the punishment/future and He himself will carry it out (Isaiah 46:10) for before him is a devouring fire(and) around him a mighty tempest. And His audience is heavens above and the earth.

Dear brother and sister in Christ, everyone will be judged (2 Corinthians 5:9-10, Romans 14:10-12) and every sin will come to light (Romans 2:16). However, there is no need for you to despair (Romans 8:1) because of Jesus (1 John 2:1). So ask yourself ‘am I in Christ Jesus’ (Romans 8:1)?  If you are, then it’s a judgment you can bear. (More from Psalm 50 tomorrow)

Dear God, whatever the accuser throws at me, your just judgment I trust because You gave me Jesus to be on my side. Amen.

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