Thursday, March 29, 2018

God Calls and Teaches His Clueless! Day 38 2x2

Please read Psalm 50:7-15

A story is told of King Edward VII. When his mother died, many Royals, dignitaries, popular politicians, and Heads of States came from England and abroad came to console the King. All of them tried to comfort the newly crowned King by talking non-stop about his mother, Queen Victoria, who ruled the world 63 years. The King said nothing –people thought he was being brave and stoic. He sat for some time listening to people wax eloquent about his mother and he looked serious and quiet. Then one man came, said nothing but held the King’s hand and the King broke down. That’s what the King needed.

In today’s text verse 7, we learn whom God is calling. He wants everyone to know His call is extremely important. Now, who is he calling? Clearly, His own people -includes you and me- according to Psalm 50:4-5. Now, why is God calling? So He can testify against His people. In this text, God is both the witness and the judge. Why is God testifying against his people? Because of their ignorance and their clueless understanding of God’s heart. Psalm 50:8-13 tells us the sacrifices and offerings that they give to God, which are actually His. So what does this Cosmic Judge, our God want? ‘A sacrifice of thanksgiving, and perform(ing) vows to the Most High’.  God is saying His people are ritualistic and bringing Him sacrifices and offerings.

Just like an earthly father accepting his child’s useless Father’s Day gifts with a smile, God is accepting His peoples’ offerings and sacrifices. But He is teaching us all, that our understanding of God and His expectations are missing the mark(Psalm 50:14).

Dear brother and sister in Christ, let’s understand our loving Father and what God expects of us (Psalm 50:14-15; Psalm 51:17). So let’s listen to God’s Word and God the Holy Spirit’s prompts and offer ourselves to God with humble hearts.

Spirit of the Living God, your ‘knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it’ (Psalm 139:6). Guide me to the right path and understanding. Amen.


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