Saturday, March 10, 2018

David’s Sin and Attempted Cover-up! Day 22

Please read 2 Samuel 11:2-13

King David is known and remembered for his sins. Beginning with his adultery with Bathsheba, David is the one who actively sinned and he is the guilty one. When David commits adultery with Bathsheba, he is the one who initiated the contact, not Bathsheba. And of course, all of us know that David has Bathsheba’s husband Uriah killed – and thus David is known for his sins of adultery and murder. But what about his attempt to cover-up his role in Bathsheba’s pregnancy?

As soon as David learns that Bathsheba is pregnant he sends for Uriah.  When Uriah comes to him, David encourages and persuades Uriah to go to his own house, to his wife. Later he even gets Uriah drunk so the latter can go home to Bathsheba. But Uriah remains loyal to his King and stays in the king’s house. Now, why did David try to get Uriah go home? We can see in Uriah’s answer in 2 Samuel 11:11. David wanted Uriah to go to his house, to eat and to drink and to lie with his wife’, so David and/or Bathsheba can claim that the baby in her womb is Uriah’s. David’s plot to cover-up his adultery/sin from Uriah does not work so David plots again and gets Uriah murdered.

Dear brother and sister in Christ, David might have fooled some people but his sin and attempted cover is observed/known by our God. Many try to fool God but God knows His creation (Psalm 44:21, Proverbs 15:11). Covering up sin doesn't help anyone, but God forgives and restores a humbled confessor. So whenever we sin, let’s confess, repent and (re)turn to God.

(More about David and Psalm 51 next week)

Dear God, I sin and plot in vain to fool others and you but you know everything that happens under the sun. Please forgive my inane behavior and sins. In Jesus name, I ask. Amen!

1 comment:

  1. amen, very nice write up. Confession with humbleness will set things straight
