Saturday, March 31, 2018

When you reach the Plimsoll Mark! Day 40

Please read Psalm 50:22-23

We now come to the last two verses of Psalm 50. In the Psalm, we see how God deals with two types of people, the Clueless who are His own and the Hypocrite/Wicked. Now in the church, you and I might not be able to tell the two types apart but God knows. The Hypocrites behave wickedly and do not see the need to thank God. Coming to the Clueless people who belong to God, they forget God and His blessings and are too busy with religion to show their gratitude to God in word and deed. So God reminds them there is none to deliver” but Himself.

For centuries, merchant ships were lost at sea because they were overloaded. Then Samuel Plimsoll of England came up with a simple idea for the problem. He suggested that a line should be painted on the sides of merchant vessels.  The line, which became known as the Plimsoll Mark, serves to indicate the maximum depth to which the vessel may be safely immersed when loaded with cargo. The people on/in the ship cannot tell the overloading, but those outside the ship, familiar with the Plimsoll Mark can warn/inform those in/on the ship.

 Dear brother and sister in Christ, only God knows our Plimsoll Mark. Whenever you and I act clueless and stray, our omniscient God intervenes, warns us and graciously shows us a way out, as Paul also teaches us 1 Corinthians 10:13.  But the problem is when God shows such grace toward us, do we actually recognize God’s provision and providence and thank and praise Him?  So we, who are saved by His grace and receive grace upon grace from Him, let’s live in a life of humility and thanksgiving!

Dear God, you seek true worshippers who worship You in the Spirit and in truth (John 4:23), but I miss that mark all the time. Humbly I ask you to guide me the right way with your truth and with Your Spirit. In Jesus name, Amen.


  1. Pastor Ben, my friend & brother in Christ!
    Alleluia! Christ Jesus is risen from the dead. Thank you for your beautiful teaching & faithfulness throughout this Lenten time again. Praise GOD, for those called to teach & preach & struggle with us, as they fulfill God will & Word. Blessed Easter & blessed Eastertide to you & all those You serve by holding Him dear.

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