Friday, March 30, 2018

God condemns the Hypocrite and the Wicked in the Church! Day 39

Please read Psalm 50:16-21

During her 2007 Stop Global Warming College Tour, Sheryl Crow encouraged people to save the environment by using only one square of toilet paper. At the same time, she and her entourage had high demands for themselves, including lavish accommodations and pricey alcohol. The website reported, ‘Additionally, when the global warming warrior hits the road, her touring entourage travels in 3 tractor trailers, 4 buses, and 6 cars. Now that’s a carbon footprint!’

In Psalm 50:7 we see God addressing His people. But in today’s text, He addresses the wicked. Who are wicked according to God in this text? God clarifies that they are the ones who “recite (his) statutes or take (His) covenant on (their) lips”. Now are these wicked who profess God’s statutes and covenants (we should ask) outside the church or in the church? Since those outside the church don’t care about God’s statutes or covenants, God is actually saying it is those in Church who are acting hypocritical and wicked. These are the ones who also think that they can fool/impress God by offering/showing Him false righteousness.

What charges does God lay against the wicked in the church?  Reciting God’s statutes
and covenants to others but “hating discipline’ and denying God’s Word (vs.16&17), theft, adultery, and being with sinners (18), lying (19), slandering (20), thinking god (note lower case ‘g’- the idol they create in their own mind) approves their actions (21) by His silence.

Man always thinks he can fool God and/or tries to create/define God in his own image. But what does God want?  True and genuine change (James 3:17), along with a life that displays true testimony (James 1:27), and true and proper character (Philippians 1:10) that displays true and humble obedience (James 1:22-24) and true and sincere faith and praise (James 1:26).

Dear brother and sister in Christ, if God were to come today, what charges will He lay against you and me? Can our life/lies survive the “devouring fire”(Psalm 50:3) before Him? So let’s test ourselves, our walk, our behavior in church and towards our neighbors, and repent and turn to God.

Dear Heavenly Father, being ignorant of your righteousness, and seeking to establish my own, I do not submit to your righteousness (Romans 10:3). Please help to seek your righteousness first (Matthew 6:33). In Jesus name, Amen!

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