Saturday, March 24, 2018

Free to walk the _________ ________. Day 34

Please read Matthew 5:38-41  

During Jesus’ time, the land of Israel was under the Roman rule. The Jews hated the Roman oppressors and they hated the Roman Taxation and other laws. One of the most hated laws was – any Roman soldier could ask any man to carry his possessions/load for one mile. The Roman soldier’s possessions included his tent, armor, weapons, and rations and they could weigh around 100 pounds. Jesus in his Sermon on the Mount is teaching his disciples that they are to be different because they have freedom from God himself. So they are not to rebel or refuse, but they are to say ‘ the law requires I have to carry your possessions for one mile. But as a man set free by God, I will carry them two miles.’ Sounds foolish (1 Corinthians 1:25) to the world but makes sense to a disciple of Jesus!!!

Dear brother and sister in Christ, God made us holy to be the salt and light of the world (Matthew 5:13-16). Let’s us demonstrate our freedom in Christ by humbly doing more than the world expects (Matthew 5:46-47).

Attending church is the first mile, going out and being salt and light is the second mile;
Tithing to God is the first mile, giving your self to the poor and needy is the second mile;
Studying/meditating the Word is the first mile, walking the hard way (Matthew 7:14) is the second mile;
Praying for self is the first mile; praying, unasked, for others is the second mile.
(Do I need say more?)

Abba Father, you and your Son shower grace upon grace upon me in my life. Equip me to demonstrate my love to others. Amen.  

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