Friday, March 9, 2018

A Model of Mercy Day 21 2x2

Please read Genesis 45: 1-11 & Genesis 50:15-21

When we read the Bible, we encounter characters that show mercy to others. The Samaritan (Luke 10:30-35) is one. Abraham rescuing Lot (Genesis 14:13-16) is another example. Can you think of others?

I believe Joseph, son of Jacob, is a great model of mercy. Joseph’s own brothers hurt him and he suffers, but God blesses him, and Joseph becomes the second most powerful man in Egypt (Genesis 41:39-40). When his 10 brothers come to him, Joseph had all the power to punish, hurt, imprison or even kill them for what they did to him. He had all the power and the choice to hurt them back. But Joseph, beloved by God, remembers what God has done to him and he extends mercy to his brothers.

Dear brother and sister and Christ, can you think not only of merciful acts of Bible characters but also of people who showed you mercy when you desperately needed it? If so, thank God and go do likewise.

Dear God, in your grace, you have given me the Bible to teach how your Son and other people show mercy to others. Many times I forget your mercy to me through Jesus, and I also forget how you showed mercy to me through my fellow man. Please forgive me and create in me a thankful, forgiving, and merciful heart. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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