Saturday, March 17, 2018

A Bib or an Apron? Day 28

Please read Psalm 51:18-19

An elderly lady was celebrating her 85th birthday and a young man asked her what advice she would have for others. She said: "Stay busy helping others." Then she was asked what she did. Her answer: "I look after an old lady in our neighborhood."

In Psalm 51, after mercy is poured over David and he is made as white as snow, he does not think about himself. He thinks about others and can’t help but teach others God’s ways. David, now relieved, is focused on God and is focused on others so he can reach and teach others- in fact, his plea in verse 18 is for Zion, that is all people, and he prays for the safety of all people.

When Jesus teaches his disciples (and us) to pray, it is not the prayer for an individual. He uses the words “Our” and “Us”. Peter also tells us to serve others (1 Peter 4:10). Jesus’ greatest commandment is not just loving God, it is loving others too. Pastor Rick Warren illustrates that spiritual maturity occurs when a believer "takes off the bib and puts on an apron." He explains that immature children wear bibs and expect others to serve them. Mature believers wear aprons because they have learned the joy of serving others. Dear brother and sister in Christ, what do you wear in front of others - a bib or an apron?

Abba Father, from today onwards let me live in a self-denying way that even when I pray, let the prayer be for others. Help me to love and live for others just like Jesus. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! This is my favorite about "teach others" and we need to serve others which is the mind of Christ.
