Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Day 12 – How to run with the …… 2x2

Please read Philippians 1: 27-30

In the USA, many children participate in organized team sports. Their parents and grandparents encourage them, hoping that the child might excel in the sport. Team sports are a great way for a young boy or girl to learn to play not only the sport with others and but to learn to get along and work with others. Many children go on to play in high school sports but not many can make it to the next level - competitive Division I Teams. NCAA Division I (D-I) is the highest level of intercollegiate athletics sanctioned by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) in the USA.

In (American) College Football, making it to a Division I school is every high school football player’s desire. After making the team, playing in a bowl game, especially in the prestigious Rose Bowl game would be the crowning achievement.

One young man named Roy Riegels is one of the few who played for a Division1 football team and also got the opportunity to play in the Rose Bowl. His team, UC-Berkeley Golden Bears were playing the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets in the 1929 Rose Bowl. During the game, Roy picked up a fumble (a dropped ball) and he started running. He ran 70 yards and almost made it across the goal line but was tackled. That type of play would be any college player’s dream – but it was not. Roy after picking up the ball started running in the opposite direction and he was tackled by his own teammate.  Roy had trained hard for the game, he played hard in the game with all intentions to play well but he went the wrong way. Also, he ignored his teammates screams telling him to stop, but Roy kept on running.  Until that game, Roy was known as one of the best centers in the game and he was even selected as the team captain but because of his blunder, he was called Roy "Wrong Way" Riegels.

Dear brother and sister in Christ, in the text for today Paul is writing to the church in Philippi, a church he loved. The church was not having any problems, but Paul writes them to be unified for the faith of the gospel. The church as one team, in unity, should go the way in the way Jesus wants her to go. But at times people, in their enthusiasm and trying to take care of matters, tend not to listen to fellow brothers and sisters. And they end going the wrong way just like Roy Riegels.

So what should we do in our walk of faith when we are to act? Paul gives us the answer in verse 27- living in a manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ. Whatever trials we may face, whoever comes into our lives disrupt us, and even when we are tempted to run in the wrong direction, staying focused on Jesus and His Gospel will help us live lives worthy of the Gospel of Christ. (By the way, Roy’s team lost the game 7-8).

Dear Jesus, when life hands me trials and when I have to make decisions, help me by your Spirit to keep my focus on you to finish the race. Amen.

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