Saturday, March 30, 2019

Day 22- Are you weed or wheat? 2x2

Please read Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43

Bob and Bill went to their church one bright, sunny day. When opening prayer began, Bob could not concentrate because Jeff, a long-time member, kept talking to a newcomer.  He glowered at them but they did notice. Then Bob got upset when the organist missed a note during the opening hymn.  During the Scripture readings, Bob kept looking impatiently at his watch – too much scripture he thought. During the sermon, he felt pleased with himself whenever he caught the pastor making a grammatical mistake- and there were many. When the offering bag was passed, he could feel the usher watching to see how much he gave. Bob left the service during the closing hymn telling himself, “I got to find a better church that serves me well.” 

Bill was in the same service and was sitting a row behind Bob. During the opening prayer, he noticed that Jeff was explaining the service to a nervous newcomer unfamiliar with church service. Bill smiled and thanked God for servants like Jeff. The opening Hymn was a moving rendition of “Amazing Grace” by a novice guest organist and Bill loved it.  During scripture reading, it was as if God’s word was about Bill – he was stunned to recognize his own sinful actions. The Pastors sermon was a homely sermon that talked about Jesus’ sacrifice for sinners like Bill and he was comforted. When the offering bag was passed, Bill noticed the usher was concerned about a tear in the old bag – the church ordered new bags but they had not been delivered.  Singing the closing Hymn “Onward Christian Soldiers”, Bill appreciated how the service and sermon prepared him for the coming workweek.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, both Bob and Bill attended the same service, yet one was a weed and the other a wheat plant. In yesterday’s post, I wrote about you and me being the man in the pit saved by the Good Samaritan. And in light of today’s text, you and I need to ask ourselves this question - in a verdant field, am I a weed?

Most Christians believe they are good plants planted by God. During sermon time, sometimes they wonder if the pastor is addressing their neighbor and his/her sins.  Jesus tells us it is not our duty to judge other plants growing alongside us (Matthew 7:1-5). Jesus also makes it clear in the parable- the judging and the harvesting is the function of Jesus and his angels. In addition, scriptures are clear – God’s word is not about others – it is for us and our individual response to the gospel (Galatians 6:5).

Still, it is an odd yet profound question to ask ourselves – am I (being) a weed? During this Lent season, let us ponder our response to Christ love towards us by asking the following questions -
Am I productive in my life? (Psalm 1:3)
Do I choke the good seeds/plants with my selfishness? (Romans 14:13)
Do I try to look like the wheat, while being a weed? (1 John 4:20; Galatians 6:3)

Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!  And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting! Amen. (Psalm 139:23-24)

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