Friday, March 8, 2019

DAY 3- Other(s)-centeredness and Joy

Please read 3 John 1:1-4

To be able to find joy in another’s joy: that is the secret of contentment. Anonymous

When we read John’s 3rd epistle we see that John writing to his beloved Gaius” (3 John 1:1). John writes of his concern for Gaius. First, he tells Gaius that he is loved and then John shows concern for Gaius’ health. However, when we read the letter, we see that John is truly concerned with the Spiritual health of Gaius. (Today we will focus on verses 3 John 1:3-4 and tomorrow we will look at 3 John 1:5-8.)

In verse 1, John writes he loves Gaius “in truth”. He is concerned and is praying for his friend’s good fortune and good health. In verses 3 and 4, He talks about Gaius “walking in the truth.” John learns this when some traveling brothers come to him and report on Gaius’ “faithfulness to the truth”(NIV). So we understand that Gaius not only believes in the Truth of the Good News of Jesus – he lives a life of Truth showing his maturity.

That news brings ‘great joy’ to John. This joy demonstrates John’s own spiritual maturity – he is not jealous of Gaius’ maturity and development in the Truth.

So dear brother and sister in Christ, this moment let us consider our own response/maturity when we hear or see other believers’ development and maturity. Have we come to a stage where we have joy in our heart seeing a fellow believer growing or advancing in the faith, in the truth, and in Christ? Or do we mope that the believer is equal or better than us in the Kingdom of God? Please think about it – remembering that you and I will be spending eternity with that believer.

Dear Jesus, in a world that teaches that I should love myself first and that I should be first, mold me to be joyful of a brother's/sister’s progress and fruit in faith. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, thanks remembering the saints to encourage us.
    Secondly, that your darling bride is healed "in good health" body and soul.
    Thirdly, that your witness in writing and praying be worldwide.
    Fourth, you come see me--perhaps meet on the first or third Monday at the GSP Exit 135 Panera at 9:30 with other brothers. with joy, Bill PS--I am jealous of you with godly jealousy--let me grow like you and still be a PCA predestinated brother!!!
