Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Day 19 - Radical Obedience 2x2

Please read Philippians 2:5-18

One day in a restaurant, a six-year-old boy was testing his parents’ patience. He would not sit down on his chair and he wanted to stand up and jump on the chair. The parents tried everything- reasoning, begging, cajoling –even threatening to punish the boy. The more the parents talked to him the boy displayed aggressive and stubborn behavior. Ultimately, his father stood up grabbed the boy’s shoulders and forced the boy to sit down. Finally, the boy was seated but he crossed his arms and yelled,  “I am sitting on the outside but I am standing up on the inside.”

Jesus tells us of His own obedience to God the Father (Hebrews 10:7) and spoke (John 12:49) and did (John 14:31) everything according to His Father’s commands. Jesus did not do all of this for His own benefit or fame. He did this for you and me. He obeyed all of God’s directions for our benefit to give us confidence in His grace (Hebrews 4:15-16).  And then he set the goal of obedience for us (Matthew 12:50; John 14:31).

But our problem is we do not obey God’s commands. We disobey, and when we disobey yelling, screaming, rebelling, or even murmuring, etc. are not usually evident in our lives. We seem to ‘obey on the outside but we disobey in the inside’. To other believers, we appear to be saints but we are rebelling against Jesus.

In our text today, Paul tells us about the perfect obedience of Christ. Jesus followed God’s plan. He never complained (Isaiah 53:7) and never vacillated. So Paul issues the very challenge to the Philippians and to us. But how can we be obedient? Paul tells us for it is God who works in you”.  Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Jesus did not leave us alone (Deuteronomy 31:6), He gave us His Spirit and thus blesses to a rich and fruitful life of obedience and joy.

Dear Jesus, teach this chronic rebel, the joy of obeying Your Word. Amen. 

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