Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Day 13 On the Cross for (your) Eternal Joy! 2X2

Please read Philippians 1:27-2:4

An old story goes that an angel appeared at a pastor’s conference and spoke to the Bishop. The angel said because the Bishop, for years, had worked unselfishly and unceasingly in the Church and the Kingdom of God, God sent the angel to reward the Bishop. The Bishop could choose between infinite wisdom or extreme wealth. The Bishop made his choice without any delay. He chose infinite wisdom and the angel smiled and said, “ Your choice is excellent. From this day on you will be the wisest man in God’s Kingdom” and then he disappeared. There was silence in the conference room for some time – nobody spoke. Then one of the pastors shouted, “ Sir, since you have blessed with infinite wisdom, please say something and teach us what you know now.”   The somewhat dazed Bishop said, “ I should have asked for the money.”

Dear brother and sister in Christ, these days rarely we meet someone who is not self-centered. In our text today we see Apostle Paul being the exception. He begins (Philippians 1:12-14) briefly talking about his imprisonment. Now the focus shifts completely towards the Philippians, beginning with the words Only let your manner of life …”. Other than two other places  (Philippians 2:19-24, 4:10-24, 18, 22) Paul does not talk about himself. His full attention is on the Philippians “progress and joy in the faith” (Philippians 1:25). How does Paul focus this way on the Philippians? Well, he had a great teacher - Jesus. As we are taught in Hebrews 12:2, Jesus pursued the greatest joy of being exalted to God’s right hand. Where and how did he pursue this joy? On the cross suffering and dying for you and me. Paul knew this and we should also never forget that because of Jesus we too are going to have great joy in God’s presence.

Dear Jesus, help me to never forget that you suffered and died on the cross for my salvation and my joy. Also, help me to live a life focused not on myself but on you and your disciples. Amen.

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