Thursday, March 14, 2019

Day 8 – EVERYTHING from Jesus results in my Joy? (1 of 3)

Please read Luke 7:1-10

When we read the first 17 verses of Luke chapter 7, we encounter two stories. Both of these stories report miracles performed by Jesus and both have joyous endings.  

In the first story, we see that Jesus in Capernaum heals a Roman centurion’s highly valued servant. This servant is sick- so sick that he can die anytime. Probably all the medications and physicians are not of help. So, in desperation, the Centurion sends some Jewish elders to Jesus. Normally the Jews do not like the Romans rulers. But this centurion is special (Luke 7:4-5) and is different - he shows kindness to the Jews. From verse 5, we can deduce that he may have been a benefactor of the synagogue – unusual behavior by a Roman officer.

Then Jesus heals the servant. (There are other details like the Centurion’s faith but we will not get into that.) When Jesus performs this miracle, he does so from a distance. One thing we can learn from this story is that Jesus hears and heals from afar – even from heaven. 

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ; right now Jesus is not a 2000 year vacation after his ascension, relaxing on some heavenly golden-sand beach between his two comings. So what is Jesus doing – or specifically what is he doing for you?  For me? Jesus is hearing our prayers (1 John 5:14-15), He is praying for us (Hebrews 7:25) and he is making ready places for us (John 14: 2-3). All of this should bring joy and warmth to our hearts.

Dear Jesus, please, please, help my mind to comprehend that you were the only one (Isaiah 49:15; Hebrews 13:5) on the cross for me, the only who is working for me right now and the only one who will come back to take me home. Amen.

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