Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Day 6- Paul's Joy

Please read Philippians 1:3-11

A preacher of a North Dakota Church amazes his parishioners by always finding something to show his thankfulness. One cold December morning, the preacher is late in getting to worship because of extreme snowdrifts. As he begins the service with prayer, the parishioners are eager to see what the old preacher will come up with to be thankful for on that dismal and frigid morning. "Gracious Lord," his prayer begins, "we thank you that all days are not like today.”

Dear brother and sister in Christ, today we’ll look at Philippians. It is a short letter of 104 verses. It is a cordial loving letter written by Paul to the church he founded. (See Acts 16:11-40 to learn about Paul and Philippi) In this letter, Paul expresses joy and peace even as he is in chains. The words ‘joy’, ‘rejoice’, and ‘rejoicing’ are used many times in the 104 verses.

In one way Paul’s Joy will appear odd to the worldly because he is imprisoned. Paul has a lot complain (2 Corinthians 11: 23-28) but he does not. Also, prisons of Paul’s time were not like present-day prisons. Yet he writes this letter of Joy and Peace. Where does Paul find this joy? In the “affection of Christ” (v.8). With Jesus in his heart and mind, Paul shows his affection for the Philippians. How about you and I? How can we have joy, not just temporary joy but boundless joy, despite our trials and tribulations?   We can learn from Paul that wherever we find ourselves, whatever the situation might be, there will be joy in our lives when we have Jesus in our hearts.   

Dear Jesus, on the hill, in the valley, in darkness, and in light, equip my heart and mind to focus on you to receive everlasting joy!  Amen.   

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