Friday, March 15, 2019

Day 9 – EVERYTHING from Jesus results in my Joy? (2 of 3)

Please read Luke 7:11-17

Today we’ll look at Jesus’ second miracle in Luke 7. After healing a Roman Centurion’s servant in Capernaum, “soon afterward he went to a town called Nain”. Now for those living in the 21st century ‘soon afterward’ might imply that he went on a short trip. Jesus actually walks around 30 miles/10 hours.  

Now it is probably near dusk, the common time for Jewish funerals. As Jesus and his followers near Nain, they encounter a funeral procession. A young man, the only son of his widowed mother, is being carried to be buried- never to be seen, touched or spoken to by his mother.

Luke writes, “And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep.  Then Jesus does something strange and unusual - He walks up to the bier touches it and the bearers stood still.” They are probably confused because  – nobody- that too a Rabbi would touch a dead body. But this is not any man, not any Rabbi – he is God and what does he do?   14…Young man, I say to you, arise.”15 And the dead man sat up and began to speak, and Jesus gave him to his mother.” So in the second story, there is a dead man, he is raised from the dead and there is a joyful ending- so there is Joy. Please note- in the first story there is are a request by the Roman Centurion and pleas of the Jews - here in this story there are no prayers, pleas or even utterances of words and yet Jesus heals (Isaiah 65:24).

So what do we learn here – first, Jesus acts even before you and I ask because he knows us intimately (1 Corinthians 8:6). Second, unlike us who look, judge and evaluate people – Jesus looks and acts. When we see/look at people and events we do so to evaluate and to judge and then we may react for our benefits. Jesus does not judge, His eyes are eyes of compassion.  So when we look, we judge, but Jesus looks with compassion and he acts for our benefit.

Also note - Jesus’ compassion so great, instead of just raising the man and walking away, He gave him to his mother.” So third, we learn coming to Jesus it is never the act/miracle -it is always the person that is important to Jesus. So always remember sinners and sufferers, like you and I, matter to Jesus.  

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, you and I matter to Christ and that truth itself is the reason for everlasting joy. Also, let’s ask ourselves this question - if Jesus can come to the earth for me, walk around 30 miles for the widow, how far am I willing to go (1) to learn and grow with Jesus and (2) to tell others about Jesus? Maybe this Lent season we should first ask ourselves - am I truly prepared in heart and mind to walk for Jesus? (I am not even talking about carrying our cross (Luke 9: 23)).     

God the Holy Spirit, give me the gratitude, attitude, and fortitude to walk to, walk with and walk for Jesus. Amen.   

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