Friday, March 22, 2019

Day 15 – One is enough! 2x2

Please read John14: 6

A fox was boasting to a feral cat about his schemes to escape from troubles. He said, “ I am smart and have devised plans to escape dangers. I have over a hundred different ways to escape from danger fro other animals.”

The cat confessed, “ I have only one – I run to the nearest tree – that has worked for me so far.” 

Then the fox kept explaining to the cat different escape plans he had devised in his brain. Just then they both sensed that a pack of wild dogs was coming towards them. The cat ran a few quick steps and went to the top of the nearest tree.

The smart fox started to think which one of his schemes would work in the situation. Before he could decide on an escape solution – too late- the wild dogs pounced on him and the fox was lunch for the dogs.

Dear brothers and sister in Christ, ask around, the world will articulate you a thousand ways to have joy and contentment in this lifetime and another thousand ways to climb to heaven. Jesus is clear – he is the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through” him. So let’s stop listening to the world because none of the world’s ways work. One way – Jesus’ way – is enough.

Dear Jesus, have mercy on this sinner who needs you. Amen.

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